Thirty Eight

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Fifteen minutes later, Calum parked the car outside the three star restaurant— Corresponding Dates (omg forgive me for this name).

Luke thought the name was ridiculous. Who would even name a restaurant 'Corresponding Dates'?

Calum quickly got out, and ran to Luke's side, opening the door for him.

"Uh, thanks." Luke grinned.

Calum held out his hand and Luke silently took it, getting out of the car. Calum locked the car.

He intertwined their fingers.

A man had already opened the door, so Calum nodded at him as a 'thank you'.

A lady behind a small desk greeted them,"Hello, there actually–"

"I– uh, we made reservations?"

The lady pursed her lips. "Under the name..?"

"Luke Hood."

She flipped through the papers and found a 'Luke Hood', "Ah, yes, follow me."

When they actually walked in, Luke's eyes widened. The decorations were beautiful and breath-taking. The walls were painted light brown, but were either art was painted on it or there were painting held up. The place was wide, and big. There were at least thirty tables scattered around the place.

The restaurant was full, and most of them judgmental looked at Luke and Calum. More at Luke because of his stomach. The bump wasn't really shown, but you could still see that his belly was bigger than a normal belly.

Calum's hold tightened, and they silently followed the lady to the table Calum reserved. Luke hopes to god it was somewhere where they can't be seen. He really isn't in the mood to be pissy and insecure; he just wants to have a good time and be happy happily.

Luke was confused when the lady opened a door that leads to the tiny garden that was shown through the glass door.

But far from it, he could see a table right in the middle of the garden. Candles were lightened, too.

Did Calum really do this for him?

"Thank you." Calum nodded at the lady. She smiled and let the glass door close itself when Calum and Luke walked out.

Calum let go of Luke's hand, and jogged to a chair, pulling it for him. Luke blushed and sat down, Calum pushing his chair for him.

Calum sat across him.

The table had flowers around it, too. There were red lightened candles that was melting, but far from being done. Their two dishes were covered with a silver cover. In middle of it, there was a caesar salad and humus with meat around it.

Before removing the cover, Luke spoke,"Thank you."

Calum smiled. "No problem."

"No, I mean– thank you for knowing me well enough."

Calum smiled again. "I know."

Luke removed the cover and there was white spaghetti with sauce around it. Meatballs, too.

Luke shrieked. He hasn't had this since ever.

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