Twenty seven

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Luke sighed and looked over at the clock.


He's been tossing and turning around in the hospitals annoying bed for hours and sadly, Calum and Arianna went home.

They both didn't want to, not at all, but Luke insisted that they both go home and have a rest then come back in the morning to take Luke home.

He sighed and closed his eyes, hoping sleep would come to him soon.

"Luke?" Calum poked him.

Luke slowly opening his eyes, the sun blinding him. "Yeah?"

"Come on, it's time to go home," Calum smiled happily.

Luke nodded, slowly getting up,"Did you bring me something to wear?"

Calum nodded and gave him the clothes that he brought while he was home.

They were neatly folded and Luke thanked him.

Feeling shy all of a sudden, he said,"Can you uh, turn?"

Calum confusedly nodded, thinking for a second that he had amnesia.

After a couple of minutes, Luke said,"I'm ready let's go. Did you bring Ariana?"

"No, she's sleeping," Luke nodded.

Calum left the room with Luke following behind.

"Did you tell the nurses we're gone?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, yeah," Calum awkwardly answered.

It has been three days since everything has been awkward between the two and both wish to know why but neither knew how to know.

Calum opened the door for him and Luke sheepishly got in the car, putting on his seatbelt.

Calum closed the door for him and went to the drivers seat and drove home.

The ride was silent, and not a comfortable one at all. It was awkward and Luke hated it with a passion.

It doesn't normally happen. Calum always talks, even if there isn't anything to talk about; he always finds something.

When Calum doesn't talk or make a conversation, it's either because he's tired or pissed.

And Luke hopes its because he's tired.


sorry for not updating in years! i had a writers block and i hope this wasn't too bad :/ i'm still not done with fixing all my mistakes in this story lmao im so lazy

votes and comments are always appreciated !! :) xx

p.s; sorry that its short, i just wanted to update

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