Twenty two

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Honestly idc that it's short. Enjoy :)

"Why are you so mad anyway?" Calum asked.

"Because you can't just say Angeline is hot!" Luke said dramatically.

Calum and Luke were in the kitchen, arguing loudly -might as well wake Ariana up.

Michael and Ashton left about half an hour ago, saying they were tired and had to head home. But they both knew they weren't fooling the couple because they had had made out-filthily- all the way during the film.

"Why not?" Calum smirked. "Everyone knows she's hot!"

"But you can't just say it in front of your husband, Calum!"

"Why not?" Calum frowned.

He walked over to Luke, standing closely in front of him. Literally feeling Luke's breathing on his face.

"Because. Because you just can't."

"Aw, is someone jealous?"

"No." Calum raised an brow. "Okay, maybe a little.

"Baby, you know I love you."

Calum wrapped his arms around Luke's neck and placed a kiss to the top of Luke's forehead -having to stand on his toes because Luke was much taller.

The taller boy giggled -actually giggled.

"I love you too," he placed both of his hands to the side of where the hips meet the waist.

Luke leaned forward and captured Calum's lips on his own. No matter how long they have been together, he always gets butterflies when he kisses Calum. He just loves him to death. Calum moved his lips with Luke's in sync.

The kiss was sweet -not filthy like Michael and Ashton's. It was just sweet like the way they both liked. Feeling each other's lips was all they wanted.

They heard a fake gawk and dis attached their lips and looked at the kitchens door finding Ariana looking at them with disgusted mixed with sleepy look.

They both laughed but didn't move away from each other.

"Sweetie why are you up?"

"You voice wz too loud," Ariana said with a rub of her left eye. She was holding her brown teddy bear by her right hand.

Calum moved away from Luke -much to his dismay but he had to.

Calum sat on his knees, holding Ariana by her waist.

"Aw baby I'm so so-"

A gasp was heard from Luke's mouth and Calum darted his head to Luke's way, worried filled his body.

"Oh my god," luke said with a grin.

Calum stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You okay babe?"

Luke nodded his head like crazy and Calum stopped him by both of his hands on his cheeks.

"The baby kicked. I can feel him," it was Calum's turn to grin.

Calum put a hand on Luke's stomach and he literally felt the baby kick at his hand.

Luke looked at Calum's hand, grinning even wider if that's possible. He is really happy.

Calum looked at him with a disbelievingly grinning look.

"This is amazing."

"I'll be an actual mom!"

"Mom?" Calum raised a brow.

"Well, y-yeah. I mean I'm the one that's p-pregnant and women get pregnant s-"

"Baby, calm down. You were always the girl in the relationship,"

"Hey!" He looked pretty offended. "Im taller!"

"Doesn't change the fact that I'm more romantic, I took you out to dates-"

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Luke rolled his eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you more." Luke smiled.

They heard yet another fake gawk and both laughed, wrinkles forming on Calum's eyes because, right now, he was so happy, no one can ruin his mood.

I'm so cheesy, I know :3 so basically I got a new phone and I wrote this chapter way longer on my other phone -for some reasons the chapter didn't load here :/ hope you enjoyed !!!!

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