Forty Nine

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When Luke woke up, he expected to hear a baby crying or a baby be handed to him.

But all he saw when he looked down at his tummy, is that it was still big.

Didn't I deliver?

He clicked the button next to his head three times before a nurse he hasn't seen before came in.

"I see you're awake. One second and Dr. Nyke will be with you," she smiled at him and walked out.

A minute later Dr. Nyke walked in. "Good morning Luke."

"Good morning —"

"I think you have lots of questions," Luke nodded. "Well, we were wrong. You weren't delivering. It's totally normal in pregnancy for the baby to not come out when expected to. We're expecting you to deliver some time next week. But," Dr. Nyke fidgeted.


"Delivering the baby might kill you."

Luke's eyes widened, and his mouth hung open. "W-what?"

"Yes, the baby might kill you."

"Ho–How do you know?"

"We saw how weak you were yesterday when we expected you to deliver. Your body— more so your tummy— couldn't take it being ripped open or for a baby to come out of it. Your stomach is too weak. There's a one out of ten chance of you getting the baby out of your stomach alive. I'm not saying we're one hundred percent of you dying when you deliver the baby, it's just a huge chance."

Luke stared at him blankly.

"I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but you have only one option."

"Which is?"

"For you to drop the baby."

Luke stared at him blankly again. "No."

"You either deliver the baby and die or you could save yourself and drop the baby."

"You said that there's one out of ten chance of me surviving, right? I could survive. I will survive." Luke assured.

Dr. Nyke sighed,"It's your choice."

Luke nodded confidently. "Yeah."

"Do you want me to inform your family or will you do it yourself?"

Luke thought about it. If he tells Calum, Calum is definitely going to tell him to drop the baby. "I'll tell him myself."

Dr. Nyke nodded. "Alright, I'll leave you to it." With that, he left the room.

Luke was left alone with his thoughts. There is no absolute way he's going to die, right? He's strong enough to handle a baby coming out of him, he knows he is. And there's no way he would tell Calum. Calum would force him to drop the baby. He can't. He loves his baby boy.

His thoughts were cut off when he heard a knock at his door. Without a reply from Luke, the door opened and there revealed Calum.

"Calum, hi," Luke tried to sit up, but failed so he stayed at his position.

"Do you mind if I come in?"

"Of course not."

Calum awkwardly came in and sat down on the chair beside Luke. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, you know? I was really pissed that you refused to come home and it just set me off and I stated thinking that you didn't love me or Arianna anymore. I didn't think of it in your point of view, and it was really childish of me to just get mad at you since all you ever thought of was of my safety and health. I'm so sorry, Luke." A tear strolled down Calum's left eye. He quickly wiped it away.

"It's okay, Calum. It really is. I understand why you were mad but don't ever think that I don't love you or Arianna. I always will. Forever. Please don't ever think that. I love you. Always. Just don't set off on me again, okay? I always try to do what's best for all of us. And I need you here with me. I can't go through all of this alone. I need you."

Calum, with his face wet, got out of his chair and kneeled down beside Luke's bed. He held Luke's hand and said,"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I promise to never set off like that again. You need me now and I was selfish. I promise to never do that again." As Calum got up to kiss Luke's forehead, all Luke could think about was how angry Calum would be if he found out what he was going to do.

Luke wiped Calum's tears and motioned him to sit down on the bed. "Did Arianna come?"

"I didn't want her to, did you want her to? Oh god, I thought you wouldn't want her to see you like this. I'l just call Mi—"

"It's okay, it's okay. It would've been better if she didn't come, actually. Thank you."

Calum sighed in relief. "Good." He put a hand on Luke's belly, and grinned. "He's grown. I'm sorry I wasn't there yesterday, I truly am." Luke held Calum's hand that was on his tummy, and didn't say anything. "I can't wait for him to come out. One week." Calum grinned and kissed Luke on his lips. "I didn't buy him clothes. I thought you'd want to go together? I don't know. If you don't want to, I could go buy them."

Luke smiled. "You could buy it yourself, it's fine. I'd be too tired." Or probably dead, a voice in the back of his head said so. The smile quickly faded from Luke's face.

"Hey, what's wrong? It's totally fine if you want to do it together," Calum said when he saw the smile fade from his husband's face.

"No, no. I'm just really tired," he lied.

"Oh, I should get going then," Calum kissed Luke's forehead. "Goodnight, baby."

Luke smiled and faked a yawn.

On his way out, he shut the door slowly. All Calum could do was smile happily.

"Calum? You're Luke's husband, correct?" A doctor stopped Calum from moving.

Calum nodded. "Yes, that's me. Is there something wrong?"

The doctor brought his hand out in front of Calum. "I'm Dr. Nyke, Luke's Doctor."

Calum shook his hand. "Nice to meet you. Is there something wrong?" He repeated his question.

"Have you and Luke decided yet on what to do with the baby?"

"What do you mean?" Calum looked at him confusedly.

"Luke hasn't told you, has he?"

"Told me what?"

Dr. Nyke sighed. "I knew he wouldn't tell you."

"Tell me what?" Calum tried to stay calm and not raise his voice.

"There's a one out of ten chance Luke will survive a baby coming out of him."

Calum laughed. "So you're saying that if my husband ever delivered our baby, he might die?"

"Or he could drop the baby and save himself."

"You're being serious, aren't you?" Calum's laugh swiped out of his face.


All Calum could do is stare dumbfounded at him. When his senses kicked back in, he walked away from the doctor and sprinted to Luke's room.

Drama drama drama

What do y'all think of Dr. Nyke and what he just did?

Votes and comments are always appreciated ;)

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