Forty Seven

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Honestly I have no clue about how that pregnancy device works but I hope to god this is how it is

Luke woke up from the sounds that we're going around in his room.

"Good morning."

Luke rubbed his eyes. "Uh, good morning? What's going on?"

"We're just getting you ready for the fetus check," the nurse smiled sweetly at him.

"Oh, alright. Did you inform my family?"

"Yes, we did."

"Are they coming?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't know."

Sadness washed over Luke's heart. "Alright."

Luke had asked why they didn't just take him to the fetus check room instead of bringing the device, the nurse just replied with a "Dr. Nyke will be here in a minute. You could ask him all the questions you want then." Luke had rolled his eyes. All those nurses ever replied was with that, and Luke was kind of getting bored of that.

After the device was plugged, Dr. Nyke had come in with a male nurse following behind.

"Hello, Luke. How are you feeling?"

"Very hungry."

Dr. Nyke's eyebrows rose up, and looked at the male nurse in front of him,"You haven't fed him?"

"I'm sorry, Doctor. I already informed the cafeteria to make something healthy for someone pregnant."

"Don't repeat this again," Dr. Nyke warned him and he flushed, looking at the floor with shame. "Well, you ready?"

Luke asked Dr. Nyke when he was examining his baby why he didn't just move to the room, and Dr. Nyke had said it was too dangerous for Luke to move, as his back still hasn't fully recovered from the other day's incident. When the baby checking was done, Dr. Nyke told him that the baby was fine, and in order for the baby to come into the world healthy, Luke would have to eat more vegetables, healthy food and food. Dr. Nyke made him promise to eat more. He had also told him that the cafeteria would make special food only for pregnant people. Luke smiled at him and gratefully thanked him.

As the nurses came back in to take back everything they've brought, all Luke could do was just think how Calum would miss such important thing. Does he really not care about him or the baby anymore?

Calum should be here for him. All Luke had ever wanted was for Calum and Arianna's safety. He could scream from the pain any minute, really. And he doesn't want Arianna ever to see such view of his dad being in pain. Calum isn't his driver for him to just bring him in and out of the hospital. He prays to God that Michael and Ashton have brought some sense into him.

He waited and waited and waited. And when he ate, he imagined the door opening and Calum and Arianna would just walk in, and they'd live happily ever after.

When the baby kicked, Luke grinned so hard he could feel his face break into half. And when he kicked ten times in a row, Luke groaned in pain.

He put the food aside and put a hand on his stomach,"Baby, what's wrong?"

When the baby gave a harsh kick, Luke stood up straight and arched his back, groaning in pain. He soothed his tummy,"Shh, calm down." He felt the kick on his hand,"I'm right here." He wishes he could could lean down and kiss his tummy. God, Calum should be here. With him. Kissing his tummy. When the baby kicked harshly again, Luke's breath got knocked out of him.

When the baby kicked two times more, Luke pressed the button next to him at least a dozen times when the male nurse from earlier barged into the door.

"What's wrong?" The nurse ran to his side. When he put his hand on Luke's shoulder, Luke grabbed it and squeezed.

"He won't stop kicking," he squeezed harder and groaned in pain. He felt like he was shitting, to be honest.

"Ouch, um. Okay. Stay calm. I'm Drake. I'll be right back."

When Drake tried to move, Luke wouldn't let go of his hand. "Don't leave me."

"Fuck, um, shit," Drake leaned over him and pressed the button a billion times and no one could come in. "I have to. One second, I promise."

The baby stopped kicking, but his stomach still hurt a lot. He felt as if his stomach was ripping in half. He couldn't be delivering, could he?

When Dr. Nyke barged into the door, looking like he was sleeping, Luke looked at him pleadingly, wanting him to take away the pain.

"Stay calm, alright? Drake, help him breathe."

Drake told him to breathe just as he was. In and out. In and out. Luke felt himself beginning to calm down, but the stomach pain was still there.

Dr. Nyke was examining his tummy, touching here and there. Feeling his baby's kick.

"Shit. Early delivery. Change rooms, now!"

"Early delivery? What?" He questioned but then screamed when the baby kicked harshly, and could feel his stomach ripping apart into half.

I hat myself as much as you all hate me, trust me. I'm honestly so lazy I've been doing absolutely nothing this whole summer.

And I'm not even going to promise I'm going to update more because you and I both know I'd be lying.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter ;)

Votes and comments are always appreciated!

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