Twenty four

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She sobbed,"T-that dog.."

Calum took her hand that was injured and there was a bite on it, blood coming out of it.

Oh fuck.

"Baby, calm down," Calum reassured,"I'll take you to the doctors right now."

Calum slid his hand under her neck and her legs and picked her up to his car which was surprisingly unlocked.

He opened the door and carefully put Ariana in the passengers seat and put her seatbelt on.

"Calm down alright? Everything will be okay," he kissed her forehead to reassure her.

He ran inside to get his car keys.

He checked on Luke and, thankfully, he was still asleep.

He took the car keys and ran outside to engine his car. They were only ten minutes away from the hospital.

Ariana's cries became louder by each second that passed by and Calum is about to explode.

What's Luke gonna do once he finds out were not at home? What's he gonna do once he figures out that I took Ariana outside? What's gonna ha-

"Dad, it hurts!" Ariana sobbed harder.

Calum turned left and stopped the car.

"Come on, we're here," he unbuckled his seat belt and ran to Ariana's side.

He unbuckled her seat belt and carried her bride style and kicked his car door closed.

"Shhh, we're here, Ari, we're here," Calum hushed.

He ran to the reception area.

"How may I help you?" The woman behind the desk asked.

"My daughter- she's- her hand," there were tears forming in his eyes and he couldn't speak.

The woman- Jace, read her tag name- leaned over the table and said,"Sir, sit there for a minute and I'll be right back."

"No! Jus- hurry up," tears were streaming down his face.

He sat down and rocked Ariana back and forth.

"Daddy, it hurts- a lot," Ariana sobbed.

"It's okay, baby," he kissed her forehead.

He took a look at her hand, and fuck. It's horrible. Blood all over her arm. The dogs teeth marked on her skin, her blood turning dark red. It's scaring Calum.

Jace came back and took Ariana from Calum's arms,"Don't worry, sir."

She took her to a room and a doctor hurried his way there with two other nurses.

Calum brought his knees up to his chest and started crying.

He looked up to his left and saw Jace coming out of the room she took Ariana in.

He jogged to her. "Is she going to be okay?"

"She'll be fine. Just sit patien-"

"Can I go in?" He pushed his way past her and took a look through the mirror.

Jace pulled him back by his arm and said,"Sir, I will have to kick you out of the buildin-"

"No, don't not 'sir sir' me. Listen, this is my daughter. And I am fucking scared as to what's gonna happen to my baby. You may not know what it feels like when your child is hurt but let me tell you what it feels like. It feels like someone has jabbed a knife through your heart ten times or more. So do fucking not tell me not to worry and for fucking sure don't tell me that you'll have to kick me out of the fucking building if I don't behave."

That was a little harsh, he knows, but he can't help it. His baby is hurt and you can't expect him to be calm.

Jace looked at him with wide eyes. "I'm s-sorry, but you still can't go i-in."

She left to her desk and Calum slid down the wall, refusing to cry.

Minutes turned into hours and before Calum knows it, he fell asleep.


Someone poked Calum and Calum groaned.


"Do you happen to be Ariana Hood's guardian?"

Calum immediately stood up. "Yes, I am."

"Well, come on in with me." The doctor said and walked to the door that has Ariana in.

Calum closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed.

Ariana was laying there, soft snores leaving her mouth. Both of her arms were out of the blanket. Her left arm (that was bitten) is wrapped in a cast and that worried Calum to no end.

"Oh god, Ariana. How's her arm?"

"It's fine, nothing major. I'm guessing it was a dogs bite, correct?" Calum nodded. "Well the bite was rather hard because a dogs tooth was stuck on her arm and if it weren't for her fast reaction of pulling away, it would've been broken. So, her arm will be fine. She didn't loose much blood, don't worry about that. In a week or so, the mark will be gone."

Calum nodded, revealed. "When can we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning. We need her to stay here for tonight to make sure she wasn't infected with anything." The doctor, Mark, said.

Will Luke stay asleep till then? Probably not.

"What's the chance of her being infected?" Worry was all over his face and voice.

"Twenty percent out of a hundred," he replied.

"Okay, thank you," Calum thanked. "Can I-"

He was interrupted by the door slamming open and Luke's voice filling the room.

im so sorry for not updating for like two months. its just summer started and im lazy as fuck but i might start updating more often idk

this chapter is short, poor written and probably rushed and i apologise for that.

votes and comments are always appreciated :) xx

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