Thirty Nine

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He hurriedly parked the car, and sprinted to Luke's side. He carried him bride style, and quickly went in the hospital.

"Help! Someone help me!" He yelled, his face going red.

A nurse ran to his side with a wheel chair and he put him in there hurriedly. She pulled him quickly to a room and a doctor followed them.

"Sir, I'm sorry but you cannot enter." She shut the door.

"I'm his husband!" He yelled. He opened the door, and closed it behind him.

"Sir!" She let go of the bag she was holding, and ran to his side. "Please get out so we could find out whats wrong with him as soon as possible!"

She gently pushed him backwards and opened the door. Once Calum was fully outside, she shut the door locked.

He put his head on the door. "I'm his husband." He whispered, and shed a tear.

He looked back and saw an empty chair and sat down with his face in his hands. He silently sobbed. His whole body shook with the effort of him needing to stay silent. He can't cry. Luke's going to be okay.

He wiped his nose and his eyes, refusing to cry. Refusing to let himself think of negative thoughts.

Luke's going to be fine. He repeated at least thirty times in his head until he calmed down.

"He's going to be fine." He said once out loud.

His eyes were red, and so was his nose. He rubbed his eyes and leaned back on his chair. He waited.

Ten minutes later, the doctor was yet to be out. Calum was worried. Maybe he's not okay.

"No, no, no." He hit his head three times. "He's going to be fine." With the time passing, he started loosing faith.

Just as he was about to repeat 'Luke's going to be okay', the door opened and out came the doctor.

Calum quickly stood up. "How is he?"

The doctor cleared his throat. "He's totally fine," relief filled Calum, "and the baby is fine. Fainting is totally normal when it comes to pregnancy. He probably was in too much stress, or nervous. But either way, he's fine. He could check out when he wakes up."

Calum closed his eyes. He felt like crying.

"T-thank you." He croaked out.

The doctor shook his head, and left.

Calum opened the door slowly, not wanting to make any noise. Once he was in, he closed the door slowly behind him.

There laid Luke peacefully with nothing attached to either his arms nor his face. He looked so at peace it made Calum forget for a moment that he did faint.

He sat down on the chair and just stared at his husband. He doesn't know what he would've done if Luke weren't okay. What if the baby kills him?

Calum shook his head. No negative thoughts.

He felt his phone vibrating. It was Michael. Fuck, he totally forgot about Arianna.

He walked outside to answer the phone.

"Dude, where the fuck are you guys? It's ten o'clock."

"Oh, uh." Should he tell them Luke's at the hospital?

"Uh, what?" Michael impatiently said.

Fuck it. "Luke's at the hospital."

"What!" Michael yelled.

"What happened? Give me the phone!" He heard Ashton's voice at the end of the line.

"Calum? What happened?" Ashton said.

"Luke's at the hospital," before Ashton could talk, he continued, "He's perfectly fine. It was nothing major. We'll be home once Luke wakes up. I don't want to wake him up." He hung up the phone, not wanting to talk about it. He put his phone back into his pocket and silently went back into the room.

"Calum?" Luke had said once he closed the door.

Calum sprinted to his side, and kissed his forehead.

"What happened?"

"You fainted. But, you and the baby are totally fine. The doctor said that fainting is totally normal when it comes to pregnancy." He explained.

Luke let out a puff of air, looking relieved. If his baby wasn't okay, he would've gone crazy.

"Can we leave?"

"Yeah, baby, yeah. I'll just go check you out. Get ready."

Luke nodded and off went Calum.

When he got up, he felt a pang of pain in his head. He tightly shut his eyes, wanting the pain to go away. His head throbbed. He laid back, and once he did, the pain was gone. He sighed and just waited for Calum to come back.

When he did come back, Calum helped him get up and just by Calum's touch to his head and a kiss to it, there was no pain. Luke smiled.

"Let's go baby."

Calum held Luke's waist lightly. Luke's head was on Calum's shoulder as they walked. It was a bit uncomfortable for Luke, but he needed Calum's touch.

Calum opened the door for him and helped him get in. Once he buckled the seatbelt, he kissed Luke's forehead again which made Luke grin tiredly.

Calum went to his side, put on some soft music and start driving.

I hope this isn't too bad! Vote and comment your thoughts :) xx

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