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Luke was sitting on the couch, with his five year old daughter, Ariana. She was sitting on the floor with her coloring book and crayons. It was getting late and his husband, Calum, wasn't home from work yet.

They lived in a small apartment, and didn't have much money, but they did everything they could for themselves and their child.

He began to get worried, as the weather was awful.

He watched his child scribble the paper all colourful, hoping his husband would walk into the apartment.

Seconds later, Calum back home from work, he works twenty-four-seven, just so he could support his family.

"Luke! I'm home!" Calum said came in the door. He jumped into his husbands arms.

"Hey," Luke said and smiled. He was glad that he could see his husband before he slept.

"Dad!" Ariana shouted and ran to her fathers, Calum, arm.

"Hey Ari," Calum said as he put Ariana on the ground and ruffled her hair.

"Daddy! Look I did!" Shouted Ariana as she took the coloring book and showed it to Calum.

She giggled and pushed it up to him, "It's for you!"

"Aw, that's so cute Ari!" Calum exclaimed. "You'd be a great artist when you grow up!" He said and picked Ariana up and swung her around while Ariana was giggling and Luke was smiling at his little family.

Ariana wrapped her small arms around Calum's neck. "I missed you, Daddy," she said with a small frown. She hardly ever got to see him since he worked so much.

Calum felt really bad, he couldn't really do anything about it. If he worked less that means less money and he couldn't let that happen. Calum looked at Luke and Luke gave a sympathetic smile.

"Don't worry Ari. You'll be seeing me more often," he wasn't sure though. Their life is in danger at this point, they're almost broke and there's only one thing Calum could do; work more and see his family less.

Luke decided to speak up before things got depressing. "I think it's someone's bedtime, " he said with a smile, playfully squishing Ariana's little cheek.

"But I don't want to sleep! I want to stay more with daddy!" Ariana said.

Calum said "You'll see me in the morning, honey. Go get some sleep, I don't want you to get tired," He leaned down and kissed Ariana's cheek. Ariana giggled and Luke smiled at his only daughter. Luke took Ariana in a bride style and put her down her bed slowly.

He tucked her under her blankets and leaned down. "Goodnight kiss?" Luke asked his little girl, grinning.

And that's exactly what Ariana did, she gave him a good night kiss and they said their goodnights.

Luke slowly opened the door and went out then slowly closing it. "Calum? What are we gonna do?" Luke said, sadness filled his voice.

"I don't know Luke," Calum said and Luke sat next to him on the couch.

Luke sighed and curled his body up, laying his head on his husband's shoulder.

"Where the hell is all the money going?" He wondered out loud.

Calun gulped. "Luke I have to tell you something."

Luke looked up at his husband and said, "Yes?"

"I gave my friend five hundred dollars," He said it and shut his eyes.

"What! Who!? Why?" Luke exclaimed angrily.

"He was broke and I had to help him," Luke looked at him in disbelief.

"What about us Calum?? Who did you give the money to?!" Luke said, his face turning red with anger.

"Ashton," he whispered and looked down at his feet. Luke was really scary when he's mad. He can literally punch you and you could straight away faint, that's how strong he was.

"Calum, how many times have I told you not to talk to Ashton?! Have you forgotten what he has done to us?" Luke said angrily.

"Everybody deserves a second chance," Calum said looking at the wall, avoiding eye contact.

"A second chance? What he did was unforgivable! He hurt us more than three fucking times!" Luke exclaimed.

"I know but..." Calum tried to speak but he was too scared.

"But what, Calum?" Luke said in a calmer tone.

"Nothing," Calum said.

So, tell me what you think! Should I continue? :/ For now my goal has to be 2 votes and 1 comment :)

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