Chapter 40

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               "I don't give a sh1t Stacy. I'm staying here tonight..." Chandler's voice makes me open my eyes a little quickly, instantly loving the feeling of the warm sheets around me under his heavy, cozy blanket. I can feel where his body heat was just a few seconds ago when I slide my hand over his space in bed, and I'm now remembering everything that happened a few hours ago.

               How much I confided in him, how easy it was to just tell him everything that had been going through my mind the second I heard the words from my mom's mouth telling me what the heck has been going on behind my back.

               I felt safe.

               I felt like I was with the one person I know I can always count on to take care of me. I guess it's idiotic to talk like that when I'm only 16. When WE'RE only 16, but it's how I feel. Almost like we're closer somehow.

               I didn't know I could get even more in love with Chandler, but it's happening, and it doesn't look like it's going to stop.

               "Fvck!" Chandler yelps and I blink to look at him. "Fvck...Say something next time. You looked like a freaking ghost just sitting there." He scoffs before I do the same and scrunch my nose at him.

               "Sorry. Who was that?"

               "Stacy..." Chandler pushes his cell down in his back pocket before connecting his fingers and stretching his arms out above his head. "Nnnn...She said tonight was the premier, like I give a..." He yawns... "Like a give a damm and I told her I'm not going." He walks over while I timidly look around for my phone to see if it's under the blankets or anything.

               The policemen held my clutch and everything else but after Chandler came to get me, they gave everything back. One look at the desk again and I notice it right next to one of his speakers.

               "Why aren't you going?"

               "Cuz I'm staying here with you." He scoffs before heading towards his dresser, pulling out new clothes. I think I better find some new outfit too because I spent the night wrinkling my dress. I don't mind either way. It's just a dress that I can easily iron when I get back to my apartment, but I'm starting to look like a drunk. That and I look like I just got run over.

               "Wait...staying here with me? Why? I thought I was going with you."

               "Huh?" Chandler's face looks completely clueless and maybe a little frustrated. "Wait...I thought, according to girl code, after a friend becomes a b1tch, in your case, 2 friends..."

               "Oh...thank you."

               "You're welcome...Anyway, isn't there some sh1t where, you hold a grudge, you get depressed, and you want to stay inside all the time, eat cookies and chips so you can get stretch marks and lose IQ points? I mean, that's what a fvcking girl does right? Not go to red carpet events with their over the top, amazing hunk of as$ boyfriend right?"

               "Oh! Gosh...You...That's completely wrong! You're totally off the mark!"

               "Really? Do enlighten me." He smirks.

               "Chandler, boy of mine..." I struggle to get my flirty side going when I call him a little pet name I picked up from Elizabeth Taylor from 'Cat On A Hot Tin Roof'. "I...Girls only get that way when they're boyfriends do something really unforgivable.  When it's friends that turn into enemies, we go out and show them that they're not worth our time. Of course, that could also happen with guys. We like to show them what they're missing." I giggle and he slowly makes his way towards the bed.

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