Chapter 33

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               Where the heIl is she? It's been 20 fvcking minutes and she's not here. Tch. Serves me right for acting like a lovesick sh1t head I guess.

               One glance at the doors and I lazily toss the dozen roses in the trash before I push out of the room only to groan and stomp back inside and retrieve her gift.

               I paid good money for these, and I'll be dammed if she doesn't at least see them. I'm gonna regret it later but I was so fvcking psyched to see her today that I made sure Stacy put her mad manager skills to work and got me the best petal flowers she could find.

               But oh look, Raven, my girlfriend that I haven't talked to in two days, who was supposed to come up and see me by now, isn't here. Fvck I need to see her. All week, whenever I did get to see her and I wasn't swamped with idiotic appointments and whatnot, it just kept getting better and better. Spending time with her and not having to hide it.

               I felt happy all the time just like I'd always wanted to and envisioned myself being if ever we were given some space to show off our bond. I didn't care if she couldn't have sex cuz of her fvcking period. But after a week or stroking myself and moaning her name without her even being in the building, I'm anxious to be with her again.

               I actually made it a fvcking goal not to jerk off again and wait till I was in her to come these past couple days. Just the thought and I'm starting to get hard.

               Well, if the goddess won't fvcking come to the star, then the star will come to the goddess.

               "Fvcking dork." I laugh at myself while nearing the crowd of as$holes downstairs trailing towards the dance floor like ants going into their tunnels.

               I'm already getting a few waves from some dudes and stares from some girls like they want me to wink at them or more yet, get down on one knee and give them my flowers but I'm only silently begging to see one girl.

               The fvck?! This place shouldn't be this crowded! Where do all these sh1theads come from?

               This is why I hate school parties so much. Every slut always try to outdo the other slut, and every dickhead goes for the whole dick measuring tactic so we can see who the top fvcker on the dance floor is. Who'll get some as$ tonight and a BJ on top of it.

               Obviously it never works out. Especially with how lately my careers been taking off, there's been tons of new faces and more attention seekers that I outshine every imbecile in this sh1tty school.

               "Chandler!" I hear Kevin's voice call out and my eyes squint at the sight of his appearance. Oh my's a gigolo in a pony tail. I bet he's gonna do a fvcking male stripper act right in the middle of the disco lights.

               The fvck is on his ear?

               Did he wave out his hair on purpose?

               Fvck what is that smell?! Did he use cologne? He must've dumped the whole damm bottle!

               "Where have you been?" He gives me a playful glare and folds his arms.

               "Nowhere." I shrug. "Where have you been? Looks like you went to get some sort of poodle head perm." I smirk before he shakes his head.

               "Chandler...Chandler...Chandler...When will you ever grow up?"

               "Bite me." I walk past him, not giving a sh1t to sit around and talk about me growing since I'm already several centimeters taller than a few days ago.

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