Chapter 13

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               "What are you doing?!" Raven yanks her hand away from me, a rage in her eyes that already has me on edge.

               "You're soaked with beer!" I point out, turning around so I can dig through my clothes Stacy made me put up, an annoying aura surrounding me as I open my top drawer to get Rae my gray shirt and a pair of jeans that I'm hoping she'll use.

               It was my fault she got dirtied by that dicks hand but I don't give a fvck either way. I had to get her alone or at least away from Dave cuz I was either going to make a fool out of myself and sit in between them, or start a fight.

               The only reason this is a better alternative than punching that jerks smug smile off his jaw is because I'm alone with Raven. I wonder if she noticed that I locked the door.

               "Here. Use these." I turn around and see Rave just looking at the bed, her eyes still on the blankets and I feel an odd discomfort flood the room before she walks past me and into the bathroom. Ok. Maybe here wasn't such a good idea.

               Fvck it. We're still alone.

               The sound of water running comes next and I sigh before turning to see Raven wiping off her dress, and I know for a fact that her bra is probably stained right now, and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't dying to take off her clothes and clean her up myself, but once again, the odds aren't in my favor.

               But do I give a fvck?


               "That won't work." I smirk and I see Raven's beautiful light green eyes flash to see me and I can tell she knows I'm right.

               "Was that your plan? Get me up here, get me naked?" She scoffs, trying to act all grown up but her red cheeks are a dead give away, and I know, more than hope, she's already thinking about us being together again.

               I brought her up here to keep her away from Dave...but being with her is a major bonus, even if she's being a difficult rich snob.

               " I brought you up here to change from that sh1t stained dress...and to ask you what the fvck you're doing here." I walk over cautiously, my hand slapping the clothes I picked for her on the bathroom counter.

               "I came here with Dave." She mumbles.

               "No sh1t." I almost roll my eyes but she beats me to it. Fvck she's cute. It's been so long since I've seen her little flares of attitude I'm absolutely loving it right now. "I meant why are you here with him? You two been meeting behind my back or something?" I frown and watch her bite her bottom lip before she turns to look at me.

               "Behind your back? Given how we are now, that doesn't make sense." She scoffs and ferociously attacks her black dress with my green towel she got off the rack.

               "I said that won't work. You'll have to get it cleaned or burned or some sh1t. Wear these." I urge but she only looks at me, and I feel as small as an ant until she puts the towel down, still refusing the clothes and walks towards my room.

               "I'll get it cleaned." She mumbles before heading towards the door, one last look at the place before she touches the handle.

               "You're leaving?" What the fvck do you think she's doing idiot?


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