Chapter 16

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               "I can vouch for him. Just let us see him." Kevin sighed as I tried to look past the metal door leading to the back of the police station.

               I can't stand the official smell in this place. It's making things worse, and I'm only worrying more that maybe something bad happened to Chandler. I know he'll be in a mood but what else is going to happen?

               It took a lot out of me not to yell at Becca or panic in front of Joan about him getting arrested. Instead I just excused myself and phoned Aunt Vera for help to get Chandler out of the holding cell.

               Becca was informed to have me identify him because apparently, Chandler told the police I knew him, so here I am, ready to say I know him with Kevin to back me up. I may have a lot of responsibilities now, but I'm still only 16. I doubt they'd let me do anything without an adult around.

               They probably think Chandler's just some kid looking for a good place to hit for money or something. I think I'll refrain from laughing until I can get my...ahem, boyfriend, in a better mood.

               "Here you go then." I hear a woman's voice after the creak of a door, and my mood immediately perks up when I see Chandler rolling his eyes after being escorted towards us. "Do you know him?"

               "Of course she knows me." He spits before she looks at me for confirmation. "Rae?"

               "We don't know him!" Kevin frowns and my jaw drops the same moment Chandler takes a step towards both of us, a fist for a right hand and a frown on his lips with a death glare to spice up his threat mode.

               "We know him! He's my boyfriend." I speak up before he gets thrown in jail again for assault.

               "Yeah, we know him. Come on you two." Kevin smiles after signing something and I stay quiet till Chandler gets back a few things like a pocket knife, a watch and his wallet.

               "What happened to your cell phone?"

               "Left it at home." He gripes before pushing out the front door and stomping down the steps, sighing as I catch up to him. Gosh it's cold. I mean earlier people said it was snowing when Joan and I were in the furniture store but I can't believe that it's already showing signs of winter when it's barely fall. I'm glad Chandler has a hoody at least.

               "So I guess you're a criminal now?" I try to tease, hoping to get a smile out of Chandler's unmoved straight face. His blue eyes look especially clear in this chill, and his hair looks particularly detailed. I don't know why, but every strand is making a statement today.

               "Yeah, real fvcking hard core." He sighs. "That place is ridiculous and disgusting. I was this close to getting butt fvcked by some as$ hole named Ricardo." He frowns and I widen my eyes. "If you didn't back me up then Kevin would've screwed me over." I hear his voice rise a bit.

               "Ricardo?" I squint. "Where did they keep you?"

               "Okay. Fine. No Ricardo, but that woman couldn't keep her hands off me." He turns to look at me, smiling the moment he does. "Thanks for 'bailing' me out. I actually think we have some fvcking promise. I'm the bad boy who gets thrown in the slammer and you're my hot girlfriend that gets me out. And then when we get home, you get me off." He grins.

               "What?!" I blush and hear him laugh when the door opens again.

               "Again, it was a misunderstanding. He's her boyfriend, and my student. I can say, he's in no way involved in anything illegal." Kevin smiles and its pure luck that Chandler and I both scoff at the same time because of that statement.

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