Chapter 8

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               "'s ok." An awkward, blunt voice hushed me as I cried like a baby out in the hallway. "'re really crying hard huh? Uh...hello? Look, I'd like to help you, but I can't right now when we're in the middle of the hall way. Can you stand?" The young woman's voice laughs a bit as she tries to help me up after I wipe my nose and nod.

               This is humiliating, but I can't really overlook my hurt feelings to care all that much. Or to care that a total stranger is helping me into my apartment as I get the keys out, dropping them when another wave of tears blur my vision and cause some cries to leak out of my throat.

               "That's ok! I got it!" The purple haired girl with braids that I'm just now seeing bends down and retrieves my silver pieces of metal to unlock my door before leading me inside.

               I didn't think I was this upset, but apparently I can barely walk straight without somebody holding onto me.

               "Whoa..." The girl that I still haven't been able to see clearly see, stops in her tracks after flipping on my light switch, the freaky image of an empty apartment very un-welcoming presenting itself and it only worsens the situation and possibilities floating around in my mind.

               Ugh...I just don't want to think about it right now. I've done nothing but cry since I saw Chandler and I really do want to be able to say, I'm over it, and I thought I was...but after tonight...after he kissed me, I felt like, I was caught myself even if I already knew.

               I just want to run away again now.

               "Uh..." I wipe my eyes and smile. "Thank you. I can...I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll be ok now."

               "Erm...Hey...I know we don't know each other...but wow...this place is like...did you just move in or something? Are you really poor cuz sh1t...this place is empty." The girl let's me go and takes a second before she walks further into the living room, then around the counter to the kitchen, opening a drawer to check for silverware.

               I can't say she's not nice...but I'm not exactly one of those people who appreciate others helping themselves to look around.

               "Sh1t..." She mumbles again. "Sorry." She remembers her manners and smiles. It's only then that I can get a good look at her. She's wearing really loose casual pants with pockets covering almost every inch, and her shirt is a blue V-neck that exposes her pierced belly button and tic tac toe tattoo beside it.

               Her face is caked in make up, at least her eyes, and her skin is a light sort of pale color that compliments her light brown eyes nicely...but she looks pretty poor and raggedy. Especially with her purple streaks dying out near the top, her natural blonde hair taking over.

               It actually looks a bit weak or watered out...

               She's nice though.

      I am...feeling broken again, or being reminded of it, and I'm distracting myself from crying by letting a stranger, a neighbor, help me inside my apartment and look around for stuff I don't have.

               "It's ok." I laugh. "Actually, I did just move in...but I didn't know the place would be so bare, and I haven't picked out any furniture yet."

               "Oh. Well that as$hole downstairs is a coin pincher so I shouldn't be surprised." She scoffs and I giggle before forcing myself forward. "Uh...are you ok?" Her slightly different, more lower class British accent snaps me out of my daze and I nod immediately before shrugging my shoulders.

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