Chapter 26

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This is an important Chandler chapter. Sorry if it's boring but hope it's still somewhat enjoyable! Oh and in a few parts it might be confusing but there are flashbacks so that should help guide you. just read and relax i guess. XD


"William, you're not making any sense. Start over." A rough voice grumbles in the living room and I shift around in my small shoes before sighing, trying to find some guts to come out of the kitchen so I can go see if mom's awake yet.

I was cleaning up after her like usual when dad came home and brought in his squad of jerks so they could talk about his business. I'm actually a little scared to go out there, but I don't want to sit in here all night.

After a second of thinking, I pick up the bucket and paper towel roll so I can get to the staircase. Maybe since I'm just a 12 year old kid they won't care and they'll leave me alone. Gosh they smoke alot. I never liked the cigars they owned. It leaves a rotten sense in my head and it's gross.

"Chandler? What are you doing?" I hear my dad's voice boom out and I turn to look at him eyeing me before a man comes up from behind my back. My stomach is in knots as this stranger leans down and the men in the room begin to circle me and look me over, and they all seem like giants compared to how small I am.

"I... was just going to go help mom."

"Your b1tch drunk again, Will?" One of them cackles and I bite my tongue before I defend the woman I've decided to hate since about a month ago. I don't know why I still take care of her. I guess it's just pathetic to see her face covered in throw up while dad doesn't even give a crap to take care of her.

"So this is the boy? Your smoke screen? Doesn't look like he's of much use. Mind you, if your wife hadn't been so attached to him because of what happened he wouldn't be such a pathetic excuse for a useful boy now. But I guess there's no beating nature eh?" Another man bends down to study me and I'm already curious as to what the heIl he's talking about.

"Families, man." Another gripes while they all start to go back to the couches, not giving me another though, and I turn around slowly to see my dad just looking down at me, like I'm sh1t at his feet, like I'm not even doing a good job at helping him in the least.

That all I am is the mess from mom's mouth I clean up nearly every night, and I know what he's going to do next. Just like always, he's going to send me away.

But...I don't want that. I don't want to be sent away. Dad please...don't send me away. I'm doing everything you tell me to, please, be a parent to me! Don't make me go back to my room where all I have is the computer you bought me to keep myself entertained and the scripts Stacy sent me that I need to learn.


"Go upstairs Chandler." He instructs before walking back to the living room, shaking his head before a sigh leaves his mouth. "Ok. Back to business. Now this shipment can only be delivered by said route because of the weather from previous days. I'd say it's a pattern." He sits down, crossing his legs, and one old man in particular, a very old man, lingers, for just a second, and I spot a frown on his face before he pats my head.

What in the world?

"Your grandparents loved you." His senile but kind voice relaxes out. "Remember at least that much, little Riggs."

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