Chapter 39

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               "You have a good night Channyboy!" Dave yells out before I yawn, dragging myself up the front steps to get away from his fvcking truck that he didn't even care I took earlier, driving it illegally even if I do have a license.

               First thing I gotta do is text Rae and let her know where the heIl I went off to, not even telling her after I put her to bed was probably a lame idea, but I wanted her to sleep. Today was a bit lazy, but she was still so tired.

                I wish I could see her.

               All peaceful and beautiful, knees bent and gorgeous body close to mine.

               One second of fishing for my keys through my pants along with the other pieces of junk I have sitting in there and I have to shake my head a bit roughly to shift the hair out of my eyes and hopefully stay awake at least until I reach my fvcking bed.

               Doesn't stop me from using the house to lean my body on though. It's the cold air alone that's keeping me from falling to the ground and taking a nap right now anyway.

               Just as I finally find my house key though, of course, the door clicks open and I'm getting a steady gaze from Anderson, his almost gray eyes losing their blue because of how old he's pushing on to be, asking if I'm all right and I only answer with a sigh.

               "Hey Andy." I walk past him; dragging my legs like they're dead and fvck something smells good. Really good. "Did you cook?"

               "Yes sir. Ra-Ready to serve in the kitchen. Would you like it upstairs in your room?"

               "Mmm..." I nod before dropping my hoody and falling onto the stiff couch that dad insisted matched the fvcking 'decor' of the room, whatever that's supposed to mean. This house is expensive, and any posh British fvck would orgasm over this sh1t, but I hate it.

               Only thing in this house that I love is my room.

               An abrupt and annoying as$ ring starts to irritate me with a stupid tone everyone hates so much, igniting life into the whole house, and it makes me roll onto my stomach, half my face pressed up against the cushion as I peel one lid open so I can glare at the home phone ringing across the small sitting area.

               Fvck me, what the heIl?! Who has this number?!

               If it's Stacy I'm gonna sentence her as$ to zero cooking channels for 5 months.

               "Fvck..." I groan when Anderson comes into the room, passing my sprawled out body, one leg propped up on the arm of the couch and one hanging off the side of the seat with my right arm squashed next to my side and the other resting on the floor. It's not even that comfortable and I want to go to sleep.

               Dammit, what time is it?

               Must be at least 1:30.

               I'd say screw school but there's no way I'm ditching the chance at seeing Rae if I can help it.

               "Hello?" Anderson's composed voice greets whoever the dick is that's calling this late.

               Ha...'If I can help it'.

               All night I've been thinking about what Rae told me earlier. About breaking free and doing my own thing. About, 'Helping it'.

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