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Grace and I have been chatting for a bit now, not seeing the time pass. But we both jump when he hear the doors burst open and the rest of the girls enter, speaking loudly, gasping and whispering. We turn to look at them with a frown and the moment they notice I'm here, a heavy silence suddenly takes place in the room. They all stare at me for a moment, making me feel small and uncomfortable on the couch, before dispersing themselves in the Blazy. I look at Grace with a confused frown and she shrugs, as lost as me. 

"May! There you are." Kim says as she runs towards us, an anxious look on her face. She pants a bit as she joins us on the couch and we both stare at her, waiting for an explanation. "Right, you're probably wondering why we all left."

"Uh...yeah?" Grace says before I can open my mouth. Kim nods, looking around the room before directing her gaze back on us. The suspense is actually making me so nervous and I have to contain myself before snapping at her to tell us everything. "So it's good news. . .or maybe bad, depending on what the other girls said."

"Kim, just get straight to the point." I say, pressuring her to speak. She nods again, taking in a deep breath before a small smile takes place on her face.

"We have all, except for you, Cece and Anastasia, been interrogated about Monday's event. Lindsey wanted to be sure that Ana really did bully many people here, and if everyone told the truth, then she'll be disqualified." She whispers, her smile growing wider as I stare at her, agape.

"What?" I gasp, still not processing everything. Anastasia is going to be disqualified? How did Lindsey even know about it? Why is it only now that this is happening, days  before she rudely spoke to me?

"I know! Do you realize that Anastasia will be finally out of the competition? It'll be one less thing to worry about." Lily sounds really happy about the thought while I'm still stunned and bewildered. I turn to look at Grace, finding her as confused and surprised as me. Lily's smile fades a bit as she stares at my reaction. "Aren't you glad? Anastasia will leave, May, she won't be harassing you anymore."

"Kim, how did that even happen? I mean, who told Lindsey? And why only now?" I ask and she bites her lip, looking guiltily at the ground. ". . .Kim? Did you tell her?" I apprehend her answer, not sure if I'm mad or relieved about it. 

"No, I didn't tell Lindsey." She twirls a strand of her hair around her finger and I let out a sigh. But she still gives me an uneasy look, seeming kind of scared to tell me something and I raise an eyebrow. "I. . .I told Prince Harry."

"You what?!" I gasp loudly, catching everyone's attention. I stare at her sudden timid attitude, feeling angry and upset, and maybe a little betrayed that she told him behind my back, without even asking for my consent. "Why did you do that?"

"Because I knew you wouldn't!" She retorts, looking as upset as me. "May, you're my friend and what she did to you was horrible. I couldn't just sit back and not do something about it." At her words, my anger vanishes, now feeling gratefulness towards Kim. She's right, I would've have probably kept it to myself, and the fact that she did it because she truly cares about me warms my heart. My scowl fades, now replaced by a sad and guilty expression as we both stare at each other.

"Oh. . ." She gives me a small smile, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it a bit. I can feel Grace also rubbing my back as a comfort and I give her a thankful smile. "You're right. And. . .And I'm sorry for shouting at you."

"It's alright, I should have probably asked you first though." She smiles and I shake my head.

"No, I would have stopped you. Thank you for. . .not being a coward like me, and for your help. It truly means a lot to me." I say and she pulls me in for a tight hug.

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