E i g h t e e n

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Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Stay calm, don't move, and nothing is going to happen. It will go away.

Just breathe in, breathe out. It will go away. 

No. No it's not going away. I'm still here, in this dark room. I don't know where I am, or how I ended up here. Where's the bed? Where's the plane? Where's Harry? What's this sudden light? Am I being saved? From who? The light is getting closer, and closer, and closer, and twirls and dances, it can't stop moving. The white light is now tinted with red, and green; yes, a lot of green. And blue, and pink, and purple, it's multicolored now. But it can't stop twirling and dancing and growing. It makes me dizzy, but the light is closer now, I can almost feel it. If i raise my hand just a little bit. . .Just like this, maybe I can touch it. No, it's too far away, but it's coming closer and closer and closer and. . .

What is this? The light is inside of me now. The darkness turned white, completely white. But I can see movement now. I can see a blurry figure, a pale grey figure coming closer and closer. The figure is now defined, it's darker, taller, stronger. A strange aura radiates around it. It's bad, really bad. It makes me feel something inside; a bad something. It isn't good news, but it's quick. I see legs, the shape of a head and two arms. It's a man, it's walking over to where I stand. Am I standing? I don't know. It doesn't feel like I'm standing, then what am I doing?

I'm laying, that's what I'm doing. I'm on the floor, glued to the somehow soft ground under me. I can't move, but I can see. I can see this man now a feet away from me. He's dark, from head to toe. I can't see his face, I can't see his features. Just a silhouette, like a shadow. But it's not, it's stronger, it's alive and standing in front of me. Who is he?

"Who are you?" A voice that sounds like mine speaks, but I didn't feel my lips move. I can't feel anything except for the ground under me. I can't feel anything. 

But I can see. I can see the figure move. I can see its head tilt up and something move on what most be his face. I can see him open his eyes. I can see two thick lines of emerald green circle his pupils. A green, raging fire burns inside of them. Pain. Sorrow.

I can see.

My eyes shot open as I gasp  for air. The sheets are wrapped tightly around my body and damp hair is glued on my face. I breathe loudly, trying to calm myself after waking up so abruptly. What the hell was that dream? I haven't dreamed of Harry for a while and now, it suddenly starts again. What do they mean? Why do I always see his eyes only, not his face?

Letting out a heavy breath, I unwrap myself from the covers and leave his bed. I need water and tissues, my nose is slightly runny and it's probably the worst time for me to have the flue.

Stupid antibodies not doing their job right.

I step in the jet's lounge, expecting to find Harry, but he's not here. It's dark outside, I can't even see what's under us, but it probably only is the ocean. The room is illuminated by multiple lamps though, giving the plane a serene and cozy atmosphere. I find my tissue box on the couch and sit on it, waiting for Harry to come at some point.

My thoughts drift back to my dream. It was so weird and I don't understand what it means. I guess the ones about me kissing Harry instead of Zayn were probably like a sign that I was going to be selected, but now. . .Now I don't understand why he seemed so sad. Except for that raging flame in them, all "happy" life seemed to have left those eyes of him. 

"Mady? You're awake!" I turn to face him, seeing a large grin curling his lips and his eyes gleaming. Those same eyes that seemed so broken

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