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Six movies, three bowls of pop corn, two packs of ice cream and four hours of nap later, we finally landed in dear old England. Unlike what Harry predicted, the weather was particularly nice, like it has been waiting for our arrival. The sun was shinning, the air was fresh and you could hear the chirps of a few birds, most of the sounds obviously engulfed by the ones the numerous planes and motors around us made. The field was immense, once again filled by the airport staff, but also by a group of cameramen from the show to film our arrival. A red carpet was also waiting for us, a woman wearing a gray suit standing at the end. 

"Home sweet home, eh?" I hear Harry chuckle and I roll my eyes playfully. I wrap my arm around his, holding my small black purse in the other. I got changed earlier into this fancy white cocktail dress, with a lacy top, and I quite enjoyed it. Wearing dresses is growing on me, I'm getting more and more used to it. Chloe, the girl who will be my stylist for the trip, has done my hair, pulling it up in a bun and leaving a few curly strands fall on the side of my face. My makeup was kept natural, except for the thick line of black eyeliner on my lids and mascara. I had to make a first good impression for England, and I think I look classy enough. Hopefully, both Kings will enjoy it.

We both walk down the plane's high steps and wave at the cameras. The woman waiting for us presents herself as Judith, and basically says she'll be our chaperon during the trip. She seems strict and her smile looks forced, making me suddenly miss Lindsey. I just hope she won't be following us everywhere

"Are you feeling better?" He asks as we walk over to a black limousine waiting for us.

"Yeah, that soup is literally magic!" I laugh and he gives me a 'told you' look before we both enter the vehicle, the driver closing the door behind Judith as she steps inside too. "My throat is just slightly sore, but it's not big of a deal."

"I'm glad then, we'll be able to do much more things now," He winks at me, making me furiously blush and nudge his arm. His sexual related innuendos have been on full force during the flight and I still don't know how to entirely feel about it. I try to play it cool and act like I'm not flustered, after all he's a guy and guys always like to make sex related jokes; and I know that for a fact, having for example my classmates. Still, I always found it slightly awkward when he makes some. I feel awkward, I don't know about him though. "Judith, do you have a schedule for us?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." She soothes her tight, pencil skirt, giving Harry a formal nod. "We will first stop at the hotel where the royal suite is waiting for you, then it will be dinner. The selected will after have the whole afternoon to visit London, accompanied by Your Highness. . .And I, obviously." She says, her accent thick and her voice sharp, but strong. I mentally roll my eyes at her, we don't need a chaperon when we already have a billion bodyguards around us most of the time, I don't get why she has to follow us everywhere.

"Thank you Judith. And her name is Madison." Harry's change in tone surprises me and I look up at him, seeing his brows furrowed as he gives the woman a hard stare. I, personally, wasn't affected  by the fact that she called me 'the selected', but the way he acted so protective warms my heart. I smile to myself, stopping a smirk to grow on my face as Judith's face pales as she nods slowly. She's trying hard to keep her composure, but I know Harry's tone left her flustered. Since she started talking back on the airfield, she hasn't laid an eye on me, probably thinking I was some piece of dirt to her. I don't really care about her opinion, I'm only going to be surrounded by her presence for three days only, but if I focus on Harry it'll go alright.

The limousine comes to halt, stopping in front of an immense and luxurious looking building. Ritz Hotel is written on the front side while people come in and out of the glass doors, all of them wearing clothes that probably cost more than my whole house. My mouth opens in admiration while the driver opens the door for us. Judith leaves first, followed by Harry who helps me to get on the sidewalk without tripping over my white heels. His hand grips mine as we walk over the large entrance, stepping inside the immense lobby.

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