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The feeling of fingers stir me awake and I open my eyes to meet his brilliant green, the fondness flooding me and wrapping my heart in a warm cocoon. I can't help the lazy smile that pulls at my lips at his sight, nuzzling my face his neck.

"Morning." I murmur, inhaling his intoxicating scent. He runs soft fingers through my hair and places a kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning, beautiful." My eyes roll back at the sound of his voice, the deep, raspy sound and choice of words making me swoon.

"I love waking up like this." I almost inaudibly whisper an he hums, shuffling under the sheets to glue himself closer. "What time is it?" I yawn and feel him shrug, tightening his grip around my waist.

"Don't care." He mumbles and with a quiet giggle, I let myself drift back to sleep, lulled by the slow rhythm of his breath.


"Where is she?!" Adeline frantically grips the edge of her hair, looking around in panic. "It's past noon and we still haven't tried her outfit! Why aren't you freaking out!?" I make a face at her and she huffs.

"Please calm down." I sigh, wiping some dust off my skirt. Shifting on my chair, I show the dress laid on Madison's bed with a flick of my hand. "With the number of outfits we've made for her, I can assure you that it's gonna fit Madison perfectly."

"And what about her hair? And makeup?" She argues and I roll my eyes.

"It's going to take an hour to do it and the talent show is in six hours Adeline."

"Oh God! She hasn't eaten yet!"

"Wherever they are, I'm sure they're being taken care of. Stop worrying yourself for nothing and take a seat on the bed." I suggest and she gives me a questioning look.


"I bet you a thousand that she's with the Prince." I smirk. "They're always together." She frowns at me, a challenging look in her eyes and I can tell she's trying hard not to admit I'm right. Not having any more arguments, she lets out a heavy breath and collapses on the bed next to the dress.

"This is stressing me out."

"Me too." I shrug and she tilts her head up to look at me, big brown eyes curious.

"But it doesn't show. How?"

"I just don't think about it." I admit and she plops back down, rolling her eyes.

"If she's not back in an hour, I'm going to look for her." She announces and I chuckle, examining my nail polish.

"Whatever you want Adeline."


"Babe, wake up." My eyes flutter open at the sound of his voice, squinting them as I'm almost blinded by the sun rays. I see his figure standing over me, light making a halo around his head as if he were an angel from above. Which he basically is, to be honest.

"Hi." I yawn, gradually sitting up. It takes me a moment to realize that he's completely dressed and I'm still naked, wrapped up in his sheets. "Why are you fully clothed already?" He chuckles before handing my a towel.

"Because it's already two in the afternoon, love." My eyes bulge open, now standing upright in his bed.

"What?!" I look at the clock, seeing that he is right and feel my heart drop. "Shit, the talent show is today and we're not even ready! Why didn't you wake me up?" He shrugs, arranging the cuffs of his button up.

"You looked peaceful. I didn't want to ruin that." I try to look annoyed but can't help the tiny smile on my face. Taking the towel, I wrap it around myself before leaving his bed to take a shower. I can't believe us and that we once again overslept. Adeline is going to kill me for not being here to try on the dress.

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