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"Good morning girls," Lindsey greets as we enter the Blazy. I'm excessively tired, jet lag being a great cause, and I'm afraid I might collapse on the floor. I hold my cup of coffee tightly, finding comfort in the only thing that manages to keep me awake right now. "Today is the first of your week of volunteering, I hope you're all ready for this." We reply 'yes' in unison when she stops, my mood lightened by the upcoming challenge.

"I just want to warn you before you all leave. The people you will meet have not lived to most joyful life. Some are poor, others are sick and most of them are left alone to brave the world." I watch her with attention. Being a Four is hard and lots of things are out of our reach. It's even harder for Fives and I can see the fire shine in Suvanna, Ophelia, Victoria and Audrey's eyes as Lindsey talks. I'm glad to see that they are proud of who they are and aren't letting a social statue bring them down. "These people have to be treated with respect and courtesy, and I expect you girls to learn a lot from it. On this, I wish you to spend a great weak in their company."

We applaud her speech and I glance at Anastasia, just to see how she feels about the new challenge. As I thought, she seems bored and her movements lack energy and motivation. I'm really wondering how she's going to make it through this week.

"Now go change and get with your partner when you get back. We leave at eleven!" She dismisses us and we hurry over to our rooms. I finish my cup of coffee, the hot liquid burning my throat and my eyes water slightly. I enter inside my room to see Adeline picking my outfit as usual while Zoe and Laura chat on my bed.

"Hello" I say and they all smile up at me. Laura takes my cup and leaves to clean it in the kitchen while Zoe goes to prepare my shower, even though it's not really necessary for her to do that. 

"Hello, Madison. Breakfast was great?" Adel asks and I nod.

"As usual," She smiles at me before bending down to pick up a shoe box. I notice the round logo on top of it and my lips part as realization sinks in.

"Are those. . ."

"Yes!" She grins widely. After spending two weeks in my company, Adeline knows how heels and dresses are uncomfortable for me and she understands how happy and excited I am now that I get to wear Converse.

"Finally!" I shriek with what most be the most girly voice I've ever had and jump on my feet to reach for the box, opening it immediately. My eyes widen at the brand new black converse that I've always dreamed of having. I feel like a little kid during Christmas, I probably look like one anyway.

"Gosh, Adel! This is so cool! I never thought I would have the chance to wear sneakers again or real converse for that matter," I say, looking up at her with excited eyes. She laughs, taking the box from my hands and placing it on my chair.

"You'll have to thank the Prince for that. He insisted on you having a pair of those." She explains and my lips part at her words. Harry did this for me? How amazingly nice of him, I have to thank him when he gets back.

A sudden pang of guilt hits me. The thought of us hasn't really crossed my mind since I woke up this morning, being too distracted by my friends and the thousands of questions coming from the other contestants. I still don't know how I will act around him after what happened in England, but I sure have to apologize. We just have to talk in general and clear everything up before it gets worse. One thing is sure, I don't want to lose him. Even the thought of not seeing his heartwarming smile or not being able to be in his comforting presence makes my heart clench. I just can't, he has made his way into my life and now, I don't want him to leave. 

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