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 Exhausted. That's how I felt when Lindsey told us we had to get back to the dinning room for supper. Harry and I are leaving for England in exactly ten hours and I know that dinner is gonna take a good three hours as usual. Seven hours of sleep is not enough for me. I guess I can sleep in the plane though...Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. It'll probably save me from any awkward situations between Harry and I, especially after we kissed earlier today. Kissing willingly may I add. It only makes it worse.

Or better. I still don't know what to think of it. Yes it felt wonderful and yes, he's really sweet and caring with me. And at this point, I can't deny the fact that I do somehow like him. After all he did for me, I've developed strong feelings for him, I just didn't realize what it was yet. But am I ready to be in a relationship again? No. Definitely not. Since him, I've decided to be more careful with men. I don't want history to repeat itself once again, because I don't think I'd be able to handle the breakup as well as I did with this one. I have to admit that if it weren't for Harry's soothing words and presence, it wouldn't have been the same. And even though Harry seems like the perfect boyfriend, there's that one thing that makes me push back my feelings every time; I don't want to be a princess, nor a queen for that matter. 

Everything that has been happening in my life these days is just so overwhelming and I haven't entirely processed the possibility of me being a princess one day. The possibility might have seemed thin at first, but with each day that passes, I just get dragged deeper into this whole royal life. I've always considered it with a bad eye, thinking selfish and heartless people only lived like this, leaving the rest of the population dying of hunger. But now that I'm living this new life, it gives me a new perception of Goldens. Yes, some are exactly the same way that I used to picture it ( hint? Starts with an "A" and ends with "nastasia"), but many are the complete opposite. Harry is the best example I can give here, he doesn't have that superficial, arrogant aura around him, and I think that's what I like most about him. He's different.

"Earth to Mady!"I zone in at the mention of my name, seeing Kim snap two fingers in front of my eyes.

"Sorry Kim...You were saying?" She lets out a single laugh and wraps her arm around mine, pulling me up.

"I was saying that the Royal Family is about to arrive, stand up silly!" She whispers and I notice that all the girls are standing up except me. I immediately push my chair back right when Harry and his parents come in the room, taking their usual seats at the far end of the table.

"Good evening girls." King Arthur greets, telling us to sit back. The room immediately fills with voices, many of us glancing at Emily's now empty seat. Relieved sighs can be heard from the other contestants as I stay quiet, staring at my food absently. All this thinking, plus the elimination, has worn me out and I find it difficult to keep my eyes open with each minutes that passes. The only things that keep me awake are the delicious aromas around me and the fact that Harry's going to announce who will accompany him for his trip; which in this case is me.

Dinner drags for what feels like eternity before the sound of someone hitting their utensil on a glass catches our attention. All heads turn to look at the Royal family, seeing Harry raise from his seat. Confused looks contort most of the girls' faces while I try to plaster a more content expression. I probably look horrible but I'm excessively tired. I don't get why though, I took a three hour nap earlier, shouldn't I have more energy than that?

"Hello," He finally speaks and all girls reply back in unison. I internally sigh of relief, glad to know that I'll be able to leave soon to get some rest. "As you probably guessed, I have once again a surprise for you. But first, I hope you all liked the presents I got for you earlier today?" Multiple 'yes' follow his words and his lips move into a content smile. His eyes catch mine for a brief instant, long enough for him to send me a small wink which wasn't subtle at all. Alex turns abruptly, watching me with a shocked expression and I give her an uncertain smile before she focuses on the prince once again.

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