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I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, griping Harry's hand for dear life, while the royal jet flies off. I feel like someone is pressing something hard on my chest, gluing me to my seat because of the pressure. I don't realize I've been holding my breath until I hear his deep chuckles ring in my ear.

"Your Majesty, you can walk freely now." We hear the pilot say through an intercom and I finally dare to open at least one eye.

"You okay?" He asks and I glance at him, seeing a goofy smile glued on his face. I turn my head slightly, peeking through the window in fear. I gasp at the breathtaking sight in front of me, my eyes now open widely as I admire the beautiful kingdom of Limia sprawled beneath us. "Beautiful, isn't?" He says and I nod, my face still glued to the window now that all the fear and anxiety inside of me left, replaced by pure amazement. The sun was still waking up, coloring the sky in multiple shades of blue and yellow, creating a wonderful masterpiece. From our altitude, we could see the hundreds of mansions, houses and skyscrapers that consisted of the Royal Square. I look further away, seeing the blue and glistening sea and large beaches, with some colored spots where a few Goldens were laying on the warm sand.

"This is. . . Amazing." I gasp and I see his face appear next to mine, laying his chin on my shoulder. 

"You should see it at night, with all the lights and stars. It's even more breathtaking." He says, making me eager to witness such beautiful view. I turn to look at him, now grinning like an idiot, and see those adorable dimples of him.

"Thank you," He turns his face to look at me, his eyes staring directly into mine. Our new proximity just adds fuel to the blossoming flames inside of me and I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks. Our noses are grazing and he glances at my lips, meeting my eyes once again before leaning in.

"Your Majesty, breakfast is--Oh! I'm sorry!" We pull away when the stewardess suddenly enters inside the jet's lounge. I can feel myself blush even more while he sits back in his seat, running a hand through his hair, while the woman looks ashamedly at the ground, a tray of food next to her.

"I--It's okay Jessica, you may leave the breakfast here," He chuckles awkwardly at the end and she nods vigorously, rolling the tray closer to our seats before apologizing once again. "Oh, and Jessica?"

"Yes, Your Majesty?" 

"We'd like to be left alone for the rest of the flight, unless I ring you. Thank you." He orders and she bows down, nodding one last time before leaving us alone. I try to avoid any eye-contact with him while I lift the lids covering our meals. The delicious aroma of perfectly cooked bacon and eggs fills the room, making my stomach grumble almost automatically.

"Mady, I'm sorry she walked on us while we were ki--"

"Oh, look! They even brought scones! How lovely," I cut him off deliberately, not wanting to talk about whatever was about to happen before the woman came in. If I'm going to be stuck eleven hours with him on this plane, I don't want it to be awkward, even though I know it is going to be, no matter what I do. As much as I want to feel the softness of his lips again, I know it's not right and I should stop doing it before things get out of hand. I fill my plate with meat and sweets, taking a sip of my coffee to avoid any talking.

"Mady, I think we should ta--"

"This bacon tastes really good, maybe I should ask for the recipe. I know Julie would love it." I speak once again, shoving a large amount of greasy bacon in my mouth, my eyes still not leaving my plate.

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