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"Is there something wrong?" I ask him as I walk over to the counter. He looks from left to right, also leaning on the counter so he could talk quietly.

"You know a Zoe, right? Zoe Finley?" He speaks and I nod.

"Yes, she works as a maid in the castle. She's my friend." His expression softens at my words and I can see his shoulders slump down in relief. "But I just remembered that she wanted me to give you a message, She--"

"Something happened to her?" He interrupts, panic flashing back in his eyes and I shake my head vigorously. 

"No, no, don't worry. She's perfectly fine with me, Adeline and Laura. She asked me to tell you that she's going alright." I reassure him and he nods, thanking me. I observe him, seeing that even though the news about Zoe calmed him, he still seems somehow tensed and anxious about something. "But tell me Matt, is there something I should be worried about? I care a lot about Zoe and I wouldn't want something bad to happen to her."

He stares at me for a long time, his green eyes seeming to see right through my soul and I start to feel uncomfortable under his gaze. "Are you only going to work today?" He suddenly asks, his expression hard to decipher.

"N-No, I'm volunteering for a week. It's for the Selection. Why?" I ask, suspicious suddenly. He glances behind me before returning his gaze on mine. 

"I'll come tomorrow. When the Prince won't be here." He whispers quickly before turning around abruptly, and storming out of the soup kitchen. I stand with an open mouth, confused about what just happened. What did he want to tell me? And why couldn't he do it in Harry's presence?

"Mady? Who was it?" I hear the familiar British accent behind me and I turn around, meeting his concerned expression. The realization that Matt probably saw Harry behind me and that's why he left so quickly sinks in. I blink a few times, still unsure about what happened moments ago, while he dries his hands with a towel.

"Uh. . .It was Zoe's brother, I guess." I say and he looks at the front door with a frown.

"What did he want?" He walks closer to me and I sense a change in his attitude. His features somehow darken as he glares at the doors before redirecting his eyes on me.

"Just news about Zoe, I told him she was alright." I watch him with a frown, seeing his jaw clench for a brief instant before his expression softens.

"Good." He mutters, suddenly gripping my hand in his and pulling me towards the kitchen. I tug on his arm, stopping him midway.

 "Harry," I whisper and he turns around, his frown still glued on his face. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to know who that guy is and why he was talking to you." He whispers and I feel a smirk creep on my face.

"Are you. . .Jealous?" I raise an eyebrow and his eyes widen for a split second before he tilts his chin upwards.

"I'm the Prince, why would I be jealous of him?" He speaks, loosening his grip on my hand and looking down at me. I bite the inside of my cheeks, preventing giggles to escape my mouth. "I was just worried about you."

"Okay then, whatever you say Prince Harry." I shrug, walking past him and willingly making my hips sway. My smirk grows wider when I hear him grunt and I quicken my pace when I enter the kitchen. I find Audrey still cleaning the large tanks and reach for the gloves I left on the floor earlier.

"Madison!" I hear him call, his voice surprising both Audrey and I. He storms inside the kitchen, his body and jaw tensed, but his eyes gleaming with playfulness. I shriek slightly as I see him runs toward me and I try to hide behind one of the tanks. I can see Audrey watching us with confusion, her mouth open and her arm raised in the air as she holds a wet sponge. 

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