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When I wake up the next morning, Adeline and Laura are already in my room, ironing my dress for the day. Last night's events flash back in my mind and I feel like a small burden has been taken off my shoulders now that I know I'll be safe. Being "locked" in this huge palace still is hard to get use to, but if I focus on the fact that my family will receive more money from now on, it makes the whole thing a little more enjoyable.

Plus, I can't deny that the food is exquisite and the room is perfect. I feel kinda guilty to enjoy these things  while some people sleep on the streets, but I've worked all my (short) life for others without complaining, I think I deserve a bit of rest now. This occasion won't happen again as soon as I get eliminated.

If I do, obviously. The prince said he'll keep me safe, but I still don't know him enough to entirely believe him. He could've said that to all the girls for all I know. But somehow, I know that he didn't. I just hope my intuitions are right.

"Good morning Madison!" Laura chirps, handing me the white towel she was holding.

"Good morning girls! Where is Zoe?" I leave my bed, peaking over Adeline's shoulder to see how my outfit looks like. All I can see is a blue material before Zoe's voice catches my attention.

"I'm in the bathroom, preparing the bath for you! You can come in and take a shower too, we have to leave soon for breakfast" The blond haired girl says as she steps in my room, a large, wet stain on her apron. Adeline notices the smeared water on Zoe's clothes and glares at her.

"Thank you Zoe" I say, giving her a bright smile before stepping inside my bathroom.

Twenty-minutes later, I'm showered, dressed with the short, summer dress, a small touch of makeup is applied on my face and my hair is left lose. We all leave my room, the three girls showing me the way to the dinning room where the rest of the selected are.

Dinning in the ballroom was an exception for the opening night, this morning, we eat in the real dinning area. A long table is already there, waiting for us, while another smaller one is reserved for the royal family. Several , delicious, breakfast meals are sprawled on the table, making me incredibly hungry.

I spot Alexandra and sit on the empty chair next to her. She greets me with a bright smile and I do the same, pushing the hair off my face because it keeps getting stuck on my lip-gloss.

One of the many reasons why I don't usually wear makeup.

"Good morning Mady! Did you sleep well last night?"

"Kinda" I shrug, remembering my melt down on my bedroom's floor.

"Same, I already miss my family" She sighs, a nostalgic look on her pale face.

"I know, I miss them too. So much" I bite my lip, it's not the right time to cry, especially not in front of the other girls.

"Anyway, how's your room? I heard each has a special theme" I'm glad she changed subject and I feel a bit more comfortable now.

"Really? Then mine is white and gold, do you think it has any signification?"

"I don't know" She shrugs. "Mine's blue and white, it reminds me of the beach" A smudge smile lays on her lips.

"I've never went at the beach, I've never seen an ocean or even a lake before" I say, earning a short gasp from her.


"Yeah" Why did I say that? I probably look stupid now, I just keep embarrassing myself.

"Well that is not acceptable young lady! As soon as we get a chance, I'll take you there, I swear on the name of the King!" She announces, a glint of malice in her eyes. I laugh, her words warming my heart.

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