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"You have to be kidding me!" Her voice echoes in the silent room and I look up to me her deathly glare, both of us staring a each other in fury.

It has to be a joke. We obviously can't stand each other, how did they expect us to work in a team? During two weeks! 

I feel a hand squeeze mine and I glance at Kim, seeing her giving me an encouraging smile. I let out a breath, mentally preparing myself for a possible disaster. The other girls team up, but I can still feel their curious glances as I walk towards her. She has her arms folded on her chest, a sour expression on her face, her eyes glaring at me. I grit my teeth, keep a blank face as I take a seat on the same couch as hers, making sure there's at least four feet between us.

"Looks like we're in the same team. . .again." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"This is bullshit." She snaps and I internally grimace.

"I know."

"I hate you." She adds and I give her an annoyed expression.

"Look, I very much dislike you too, but if we want to stay in the competition we have to push that away and just focus on our performance." I try to resonate and she scoffs.

"I don't want you to stay in the competition."

"Excuse me?" I give her a weird look. "If you listened to what Ha-..Prince Harry said yesterday, you'd know that if I get eliminated, you are too since we're in the same team." She rolls her eyes, mocking me with a grimace. "Can you stop being so immature? This isn't going to work if you don't cooperate." I sigh and she looks at me with disdain.

"I'm not being immature, and I don't want to cooperate with you." I raise my hands in exasperation, watching her an 'are you serious look'.

"Okay, then! We'll loose the challenge and both get eliminated! Is that what you want?!" My voice gets louder, growing tired of her poor attitude and manners. If this goes on during the next fourteen days, then I don't know how we'll manage to perform correctly.

She purses her lips, looking away from me. "I don't want to be eliminated." She musters and I sigh. She's being extremely stubborn and difficult.

"Then, please, cooperate. After these two weeks we can go back to avoiding and hating each other." I try to make it look more enticing for her and I see a smirk pull her lips upwards. 

"Okay. But only talk to me when we have to work, I don't want to be associated with you." I roll my eyes, shaking my head. 

"Whatever." I mumble and we both shake hands to seal our deal. "Now, do you have a special talent?" She chews on her bottom lip, thinking.

"I can act!" She exclaims and I force a smile, actually not really surprised about that.

"Right, hum. . .I think it'll be a bit hard to show that during a talent show." She gives me a side way nod, agreeing. Her eyes then widen, a smile etching itself on her face.

"Wait, wait, wait!" She sounds really excited for a moment and I find myself curious to know what she's capable of. "I can. . .hold a spoon with my nose!" She grins and waits for my reaction. I watch her with a confused look, actually speechless.

"What?" She then jumps on her seat, walking over to a tray of food left for us in case we're hungry and takes a spoon before running back to the couch.

"Look." She says before placing the spoon over her nose, giggling.

Who the hell are you and what did you do with the bitch Anastasia?!

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