F o u r

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Queen Vivian gracefully walks on the white marble floor, heading directly to where the twenty-five of us are sitting. She stands there, her peach dress embracing her body perfectly and emphasizing her dark, blonde hair. A heartwarming smile wrinkles her smooth face, while the intimidating aura still lingered in the air around her.

My eyes weren't on the prince anymore, too focused to admire the perfect beauty in front of me. Queen Vivian Styles used to be a Five. It's because of the Selection and her confident and ambitious personality that she won the competition, but also the heart of the King. 24 years later, it was someone else's turn to take her place, next to her son. And we could all see how proud and excited she felt by looking into those shinning eyes.

"Ladies" Her voice, soft like velvet, echos through the completely silent ballroom. All cameras are on her, showing her beauty to the rest of the world. "Welcome to the Selection!" At her words, an explosion of applause erupts, and we can almost hear the shouts from the citizens outside.

This whole joyful and excited energy is contagious and I find myself clapping and standing up like the rest of the competitors. The Queen waves at the cameras then walks over to her own throne, next to her husband. The classical music immediately fills the room and so is the energetic murmur of the guests.

"I can't believe it! You've been here for twenty minutes and you've already attracted his attention! You quite literally fell for him." Alexandra squeaks beside me, her eyes open wide.

"I-It was an accident" I mumble, feeling the heat rise up my cheeks. My eyes quickly scan the ballroom, trying to spot his tall silhouette among the crowd, but I fail to find him.

"Sure it was an accident...You should've seen the others' faces! Price. Less." She giggles and I try to laugh as less awkwardly as possible. Being in the last row, I can only see the back of their curled/straight/dyed hair, but some of them glance at me, a judgmental look on their perfect visage.

"I guess I've already made myself some enemies" I sigh and a small frown wrinkles her face.

"Don't say that, they're just jealous. I'm a contestant too, but I'm not angry at you! I'm just being more mature than some others" She smirks and I shake my head, laughing a little.

I really like her. She seems like the kind of girl I'd hang out with usually. I don't have that much girl friends, except for Doniya, so it's refreshing to have another feminine presence. Other than my mother and sister. I still miss them though, I miss all my family already, I can't imagine how it'd be like in two weeks.

"I guess you're right" I tell her. The same moment, the slow and classical music suddenly stops, setting place for a much quicker song. The guests pair in couples and start to dance in a fast valse and, in the middle of the ballroom, the King and his wife are dancing.

"Are we going to be sitting here the whole evening?" I ask and Alex just shrugs, observing the small crowd of people dancing around the room with envy in her eyes.

"May I have this dance?" We both direct our eyes at the guard standing next to us. His eyes are locked on Alex's blue ones, a hand held for her to take. She looks around her then back at me hesitantly.

"I-I don't think I-I can" Seeing her so shy like this slightly surprises me, but I guess it's understandable. We have to follow the rules after all.

"You can dance with someone else for tonight, we won't be letting you girls sit here the whole evening and do nothing but watch everyone have fun." The young guard in a red uniform says with a smirk and I see the glint of relief in her eyes.

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