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 "You're enjoying your day, Grace?" I look at the petite brunette, her body covered in warm clothing, the only thing visible being her face.

"Y-Yes, My P-P-Prince." She smiles, cheeks red from the cold but eyes a clearer blue. It has been a wonderful day in Switzerland, the sun was up in the blue sky and the air was fresh and cold, perfect for skiing. I was really surprised to see that Grace was really good at it, thinking that by her shy nature she wouldn't have been really comfortable on skis or something. That was really a stupid thought from me, to be honest.

Anyway, it's our second day here and I have to admit I spent a lovely time with Grace. I thought that being once again away from Madison would be hard, but we were in really good terms when I left so I wasn't worried. Even though I am really happy, I can't help but feel something in the pit of stomach. It had been bugging me since we left, like a feeling that something was wrong or went wrong, I don't know. Just a weird sensation that I would feel mostly before falling asleep. I know everything is going alright, either here or back in Limia, so I don't know where this feeling is coming from. Maybe I'm getting sick or something?

"Are you tired, darling? We've been out most of the day now." I ask her and she shrugs.

"I'm q-quite alright, Your M-M-Majesty. I wouldn't m-m-ind a little r-rest though." She suggests and I nod with a smile, starting to ski towards the chalet with her following me effortlessly. She actually is way better than I and it made me wonder what other impressing talents Grace was hiding under her timid personality.

After taking off our skis and placing them in the large vestibule, we make our way inside the warm chalet. It actually belongs to my family and stayed exactly the same through the years. I loved this place since it held so much memories, not only mines but also the ones of my ancestors, and that's what made this place a lot more special. I can't wait to show it to Mady, I'm sure she'll love it.

"Would you like a cup of hot chocolate, Grace?" I ask and she nods, still occupied by taking off her winter clothes. I keep my sweater, still feeling a bit cold even though the chalet is really warm. We did spend the whole day outside after all, and my nose was slightly running which irritated me quite a bit. Sniffing, I make my way towards the large kitchen, looking through the drawers and cabinets for the cocoa powder.

"Welcome, Your Majesty." I jump a bit at the voice, turning around to see Faith, the house keeper bowing down in front of me.

"Oh, hi Faith." I smile and she stands up, her blonde locks falling in front of her face. She was quite young to work as a house keeper, but I learned it was her summer job and it gave her the opportunity to ski in this beautiful place. She smiles back, locking her arms behind her back.

"May I help you, Your Highness?" She says and I nod, scratching the back of my neck.

"Yes-hum. . .I'm looking for the cocoa. I was going to make Grace and I some hot chocolate."

"Oh, don't worry, My Lord! I will be making it for both of you right now. It will be ready in a bit!" I smile, thanking her before exiting the kitchen.

I find Grace in the living room, a book between her hands as she sits on the large couch, body covered by a blanket. I walk towards her, catching her attention as I take a seat next to her.

"Grace, darling, Faith will bring us the hot chocolate in a bit. Would you like something else?" She shakes her head, placing her book on the side. "Good. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that we will be having a guest this evening, for supper."

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