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don't forget to vote please! Mature scene in it, just warning you in advance Xx

It was chilly outside, the fresh wind wiping at my hair as I walked on the darkening street. The sun was slowly setting down, golden and pink rays illuminating the city before their job has to be taken over by the lampposts. It's quiet this evening, not many people roaming the streets at this hour unlike usual. A lone newspaper flies by me and I recognize Harry's picture on the front page. Looks like the word got out about him and Matt, or his disappearance.

I wrap the riding hood tighter around my shoulders, shivering slightly but keeping a good pace. I'm almost there, only a corner to turn and I'll get to the Irish pub. I'm sure Niall was there to take care of Harry and I'm glad he wasn't necessarily alone. I feel a weird thrill making my heart tremble, not knowing what to expect and at the same time impatient to see him. But what am I going to tell him? I can't just waltz inside the pub and say 'hey, so Vivian isn't your mom and Anita is a sneaky dumbass, but you're still inheriting the throne. Oh, and I love you.' No, I can't do that.

I have to apologize first and explain to him why I decided to keep Matt and Zoe a secret, but he must have understood by now. I hope he did. And then. . .And then I have to listen, understand how he feels and be a support. This is going to be a rough path for him, and I want to be there by his side through it all.

My heart beat quickens nervously when I'm standing across from the pub, hearing the loud music and laughter from the distance. Taking in a deep breath, I cross the street and enter by the front doors, covering my head with the hood. A few men hand drinks towards me but I refuse with a smile, walking determinedly towards the bar. I don't find Niall right away so, as I take a seat on a stool, I scan the large room, searching for a tall figure with brown curls.

"Looking for someone?" I jump in surprise, turning around to see Niall leaning on the counter, lips set into a thin line.

"Uh..Y-Yes." I gulp and he nods, pulling away before walking towards the end of the bar. He takes out a set of keys and starts walking towards a back door as I watch him from my seat, wondering what he's going to do. Bring Harry here? He stops his steps and turns to look at me, eyebrows raised questioningly.

"What are you waiting for?" He says and I realize that he wanted to me to follow him. I shake my head at my stupidity, standing up from the stool and marching towards him. I nervously look around me as Niall opens the door, revealing a set of stairs dimly lit up. "First door on the left." He says and I know that he's talking about Harry. My heart beats so quickly, it makes my fingers tingle with a sudden coldness.

"Thank you." I smile and he nods, holding the door for me.

"Madison." He calls for me after I've made two steps and I turn to look at him.

"Yes?" I murmur and a small, but benevolent smile pulls at the corner of his lips.

"I'm glad he met you." His words warm up my heart and I shyly smile back, thanking him. He nods one last time before closing the door, but still leaves me a bit more confident. I shouldn't be scared to confront him, my love for Harry is real and strong and I know he feels the same. Whatever happens, he can be assured that my feelings are genuine, and I'd love him whether he's a prince or Five. That's just how it is.

I start walking up the stairs, the dark hallway being a slight bit creepy but I focus on what I'm going to tell Harry. When I get at the top, I let my eyes adjust to the minimal light here, looking for the doors. I finally spot the one Niall told me about and reach for the knob. My hand stills, shivers running up and down my spine at the contact of the cold metal.

This is it. I can do this. This is Harry we're talking about, not a mass murdered. I can confront him.

Inhaling and exhaling deeply, I find the courage to slowly turn the knob and push the door open with a trembling hand. I don't see anything at first, the room is dark and the only light comes from the open flaps casting a bluish glow. When my eyes get used to the darkness, I recognize a bed and other furniture, but also a familiar silhouette standing by the window, back facing me and eyes focused on the view outside. I hold my breath, closing the door behind me quietly. I don't know if he heard me enter, but he doesn't seem to have noticed my presence. The room is so calm and heavy with sadness, it makes me afraid to talk.

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