"Yeah, your right about that." The white haired girl muttered.


Gray through the spear at the spies but it seemed no good as one of the spies creaed a force field around them, shattering his ice.

"Damn! They're coming in from everywhere!" Yelled the raven haired man.

"Requip: Back Wing Armor!" Erza yelled, a bright light covering her torso before reappearing in a revealing black armor, slashing her enimies her sword.

"Chain Make: Slasher!" The spy laughed as thick iron chains wrapped around his hands and merciauslly whipped the red heads exposed back, catching her off guard as he was behind her. Even when it hit Erza's middle back, leaving an angry red cut going from her shoulder blade her her hip, the chains continued to lash at inhuman speeds not eletting Erza get a chance to concentrate of even take a breath.

"Come on Tatiana!" Gajeel yelled trying to give her a hand with the make magic spy but it seemed he was dealing with his own problumes. A blonde spy practically jumped on his, but when Gajeel clenched his fist to punch her whole body glew like the sun, white light practically blinding the iron dragon slayer. "Laser Emission!"

The black haired male closed his eyes for a second, but even in that small amount of time it allowed the spy to absord what little light was in the dim room before sending a white beam out of both her palms and straight at Gajeel. "Bright Fury!" The beams that shot from her hands were as bright as the heavens and as they came in contact with Gajeel's skin a searing sensation came across his body.

Luckily, he was quick enough to activate his scales, giving him enough protection to dull out the searing pain but he still felt as if his skin was on fire.

Just as the chains were going to strike Erza's bloody back once again they stopped in mid air, a thick layer of ice surrounding them. The ice was so cold that the metal chains shattered leaving the spy gap. 

The red head tok deep breaths, watching as Gray presuded to beat the spy that was one lashing her. Erza realized something in that moment as she tried to preswaide her limbs to move once again. 

Magics of all types flew over her head, maker magic, drark, light, plant, illusion, fire, water, and so many more that she couldn't even begin to name. Individually, these spys couldn't even begin to compair to the Fairy Tail mages, but they were out numbered now, and things were looking bad. 

"Just hang on a bit longer Lucy." Whispered Erza to the floor. "We'll be there, it just might take a bit longer, we need more time." The red head then unexpectedly had a surge of adreneline and stood up, hauling her sword into the air with her no matter how much her back ached and screamed with pain. 

"But time is the one thing we don't have!"

So, normally I start out this part if the chapter with a 'hi!' but instead I'll start it out with a sorry. 

I really am sorry for my absince, I was really sick, and I'm not talking drropy-eyed-booger sick, no, I'm talking high-fever-can't-look-at-any-screens-unless-you-want-a-huge-migrane sick. Now, there were a few times where I was able to fight through the pain, and the result of that was this chapter. I also spent a huge portion of my non-in-agany pain to catch up on school work because I missed school for three days! 

I am still very sick so chapters will be whisy-washy but I can't sit around disapointing you guys. I may post anouther chapter but most likely not becuause if I'm too sick to post again I want to have a back up. 

So that does mean I will not be posting any make up chapters for the week I was gone (SORRY!)

I do have some good news though! Usually my family dosn't do matching costumes because we're all completly different (for example one last year I decided to be Katniss Everdeen, my sister was Snoopy, and my brother was Donitello [The ninja turtle]) but this year since I was so sick I could not go trick or treating so my mother forced my siblings to dress up as characters from Fairy Tail to cheer me up (and she may or may not have spray painted Gizmo blue, we don't talk about that) not to mention I got half from each of there candy stashes, which is more then I would make on my own. So it was a win-win (for me at least)

Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter, originally I was going to make this whole scene shorter and cut straight to the chase with Natsu, but I changed Natsu's chapter for the next update because I wanted you guys to understand why the rest of Fairy Tail is taking so long. Plus I love teasing you guys because as I stated many times before, I'm evillllllll!

Love you guys and thank you for being so patient!

Nov. 2. 19

1573 Words


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