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~Y/N's POV~

I was actually happy when they kidnapped me.

But I was happy because I didn't had to go to school anymore... But now they are sending me to school all of sudden!!

"You guys didn't even ask me in first place!" I yelled while walking behind Taehyung who planned all this.

"We did, Y/n..." He simply said getting ready for work as well. Jungkook is on vacation so he has to go next week.

"When?!" I yelled again. Taehyung sighed and turned around.

"Remember a month ago? You were in Jungkook's room playing games and giving zero fucks to our words...then." He said calmly.

I kind of remember that scenario but I'm not sure if I said yes or not.


I was playing video games on Jungkook's pc when suddenly Taehyung and Jungkook entered in.

I didn't pay much attention and went on playing.

They both sat on the bed while whispering words to each other. Then suddenly Taehyung said.

"Y/n, don't you get bored staying in the same room?" He said but I was so busy playing the game that I didn't focus.

"Yeah." I unconsciously answered.

"Don't you want to go out?"

"Yeah." I again said unconsciously.

"So wanna go to school and pass out time?" He asked, little nervous.

"Yeah." I said still my eyes glued to the computer screen.

"Oh ok..."

Flashback end.

"That's not fair!" I whined and followed Taehyung downstairs. He just chuckled and totally ignored me.

I heard another laugh from the side of the room. It was Jungkook.

I passed death glare at him when I saw him with a school bag. He chuckled nervously and walked towards me.

"Here Y/n...have a nice day..." He said and handed me the bag. I just stared at him until he quietly walked away.

I want to rip both of their heads off.

"Ready Y/n?" Taehyung said grabbing his car keys.

"Fuck you.."

~Time Skip~

During the whole ride I was passing Taehyung glares because I didn't wanted to go to that fucking school.

I don't complain much because the uniform is very pretty and looks royal. I can tell it's a really good school just because of the uniform.

 I can tell it's a really good school just because of the uniform

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