Blood and cuddle

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~??'s POV~

"She was with Jungkook but scented like Taehyung?" I asked him, confirming his own words. He nodded.

"But that's not possible! She's not even an adult yet..." I said, tilting my head a little. Person who's not an fully adult can't really develop mate scent.

"For us...and for her she's not adult." He said making everything more confusing than it actually is.

"What are you trying to say? Come to the point..." I said getting little annoyed by all the confusion. He nervously chuckled.

"Oh actually...she's an adult but she don't remember about the time she came here. It's like they removed her 1 year memory and they were pretty good at hiding it."

"But why?" I was really gaining interest in this girl.

"No one knows why...only Taehyung and Jungkook can tell why..."

~Y/n's POV~

I woke up all of sudden in the middle of the night, feeling my body lighter than before.

Did I really get fever because I got scared back there?

I sat up groaning a little. I was feeling a little lonely. Just because of those two nights I don't want to sleep alone.

But I can't sleep with them too. I'm mad at Taehyung for hiding things from me and Jungkook....well he's the one who scared me...

I just sat on my bed not knowing what to do. I can go to one of them but..... who?

If I go to Taehyung then I would want to know the truth he doesn't want me to know.

Maybe if I go to Jungkook then I can overcome my fear from him and even apologize for not reacting to his words.

I made up my mind and made my way out of the room. I walked towards his room and stood in front of the door, holding my breath in.

I turned the door knob but looks like he has locked the door. I tried again but it didn't open.

I pouted and turned around to get back to my room. Guess I have to sleep alone-

"Y/n?" A soft, raspy voice was there behind me. I turned around to see Jungkook, half asleep.

"Are you okay?" He asked and come out from the room to me. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah...I just don't want to sleep alone." I said. His eyes were a little red and puffy. Was he crying?

"Oh...if you want to sleep with me..." He rubbed the back of his neck. I nodded slowly.

He chuckled and we both went inside the room. I fell onto his bed first and he came after me.

"You really like my bed that much?" He asked and slipped inside the blanket, looking tired.

"It's not like that...I just want to cuddle up..." I said pouting. He chuckled again and pulled me in his arms. He always smells so good.

"I'm here then...sleep properly you're sick right?" He said while playing with my hair and his hand on my waist.

I nodded and smiled, feeling much better than before. I just look at him and wondered if he was really crying.

"Umm...were you crying?" I said pouting a little, thinking it was my mistake. He chuckled and pressed his lips together.

"Ah...actually I was planning to play overwatch a while ago but my whole pc got reset...and I don't know how....maybe that's why..." He was laughing a little while saying.

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