Dare #66

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StarylightMoon dares:
I dare Medix to make Hotshot jealous.

Medix: oh this won't go well...

*a few minutes later*

Hotshot: *chilling in the lounge*

Medix: *struggling with some boxes* Wedge! Could you help me?

Wedge: *walks in* why don't you ask Hotshot?

Medix: I'm afraid these might be too heavy for him.

Hotshot: *wait*

Wedge: *snorts loudly as he walks over and takes the boxes* so I'm guessing you want me to help because I'm stronger?

Medix: *as he can see Hotshot spying on them in the corner of his optic* precisely! I mean just look at you! You're holding those boxes like they're nothing!

Wedge: *as Medix walks with him* they're pretty light. But I've also been working on my strength. Construction can do that to you.

Medix: I can tell! It's very impressive Wedge! I'm so glad to have a strong bot like you on the team!

*a minute later*

Whirl: *walks into the weight room and sees Hotshot lifting weights bigger than him* uhhh... what are you doing, Hotshot?

Hotshot: *struggling* DEADLIFTS

*that afternoon*

Recruits: *at Hero Hall practicing a sim*

Medix: *purposefully trips and falls down a cliff*

Hoist: *immediately saves him with his winch whips, bringing him back up into his arms* are you alright??

Medix: *hugs Hoist with his arms wrapped around his neck* yes, thanks to you! You're a hero Hoist!

Hoist: *awkwardly hugs back* you're welcome....?

Hotshot: *clenches his fist so tight that he broke the compass needed for the sim mission*

Hero Hall: *Simulation: Failed*

Recruits: *facepalms*

Hero Hall: *restarts the sim*

Hotshot: *keeps Medix close to him throughout the whole sim mission, making sure to keep him away from any cliffs*

Medix: *smirks at every tug Hotshot does to him when either Hoist or a cliff is nearby*

*that evening*

Recruits: *working on stealth when in vehicle mode*

Hotshot: *being a moron as he converts to jet mode*

Wedge: Hotshot! You needed to be in your ATV mode!

Hotshot: why?

Medix: your jet mode is too loud. It's not as quiet as Whirl's helicopter mode when in the air. She's the only one who needs to be in the air.

Hotshot: *yelling* I can be quiet too! Watch!! *takes off into the air and then turns off his engines so that he's gliding, not paying attention to what's in front of him* ha! See???

Hoist: Hotshot! Watch out for-!

Hotshot: *SLAMS into Whirl, both of them screaming as they plummet to the ground*

Medix: *sighs heavily* well that failed...

*at night*

Medix: *knocks on Hotshot's open berthroom door* sweetspark?

Hotshot: *laying on his berth, turned away from the door* what.

Medix: can we talk? I'm a little concerned about you...

Hotshot: *shoots up* yes we can talk. Hell yes we can talk. Let's talk about how you basically praised all the other recruits on the things they can do better than I can!

Medix: *as he calmly enters the room and stands face to face with Hotshot* why are you acting so mad about that? I praised them because they are good at what they can do.

Hotshot: because I could've done all those things too!

Medix: you probably could. But they all have more experience than you do. You can't be mad about that.

Hotshot: *growls slightly*

Medix: *sternly* Hotshot, stop. Stop acting like a child. It's like you're jealous of them!

Hotshot: *caught off guard* w- NO I'M NOT!! I'M NOT JEALOUS!!

Medix: so then how do you explain the weight lifting after I complimented Wedge?

Hotshot: how did y-

Medix: Whirl told me. Also, how do you explain your territorial behavior after I hugged Hoist?

Hotshot: that-

Medix: or how you got all defensive when I called you out on stealth and said that Whirl would be a better fit for flying stealthily.

Hotshot: . . . . .

Medix: admit it sweetspark. You were jealous.

Hotshot: . . . . fine... I was jealous.

Medix: excellent! Dare complete! *gives Hotshot a quick kiss and sprints out of there before Hotshot could let it sink in what just happened*

Hotshot: *it finally registers what just happened* YOU MOTHER F*CKER *BOOKS it after Medix* IMMA KICK YOUR ASS!


Rescue Bots: *all freeze when they hear a loud slam and lots of screaming from the other side of the Academy*

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