Dare #40

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orcyprimeTheGreat dares:
I dare Hotshot to prank Wedge for 24 hours.


*evil laughter echoes throughout the halls in the dead of night*

Medix: *rolls his optics while looking into the camera as he lays in his berth* oh Primus...

*the next morning*

Wedge: *screams as he opens his door and a bucket full of water drops onto him*

Wedge: *running to the break room with the bucket on his head* WHO PUT THE BUCKET ON TOP OF MY DOOR?!?!

Hotshot: *as he sips his morning energon* dunno. Maybe one of the cleaning bots left it there on accident.

Wedge: *grumbles as he walks away* those damn things...

Hotshot: *stupid grin as he finishes his energon*

Recruits: *snap up when they hear another scream and then a loud thud on the floor*

Wedge: *on the floor, yelling* WHO WAXED THIS AREA AND FORGOT TO PUT UP A SIGN?!?!

Hotshot: *snorts out some of his energon*

*that afternoon after a very messy rescue*

Mech Recruits: *washing up in the washracks*

Hotshot: *sneaks up on Wedge*

Wedge: *washing himself with some soap, not noticing Hotshot behind him*

Hotshot: *yells out* DON'T DROP THE SOAP WEDGE!!!!

Wedge: *screams as he literally drops the soap and turns to face Hotshot* HOTSHOT-

Hotshot: well hey there~

Medix and Hoist: *trying so hard not to laugh*

Wedge: *immediately yeets a sponge in Hotshot's face and grabs the soap*

*later after that incident*

Hotshot: *fucking with Wedge as he holds up a wax bottle* hey big boy you want me to help you wax~?

Wedge: *snatches the wax bottle from him* stay the fuck away from me. Go wax your mechfriend.

Hotshot: *deeper voice with a goofy salute* yes sir! *comes up behind Medix and grabs his hips* hey gorgeous~. Need some help?

Medix: *immediately figures out what's going on, letting Hotshot get all "handsy" with him* I'd love some help from a big, strong, handsome bot like you~

Wedge: *gagging so hard as he turns away and tunes them out, about to open his own bottle of wax*

Hotshot: *another stupid grin as he can see what Wedge is doing in the corner of his optic*

Wedge: *opens up bottle*

The Bottle:

The Bottle:

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