Dare #19

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Fan_FictionGirl1 dares:
I dare Hoist to go around quoting memes for the whole day at the most random of times.


*Hoist continues with his day, eventually stumbling upon Hotshot and Medix arguing in the hallway*

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*Hoist continues with his day, eventually stumbling upon Hotshot and Medix arguing in the hallway*

Medix: was that last part really necessary??? (From the ending of Dare #18!)

Hotshot: yes it was! I was dared!

Medix: I don't believe you.

Hotshot: it was only a dare Medix!

Hoist, knowing pretty damn well it wasn't part of the dare:

Hoist, knowing pretty damn well it wasn't part of the dare:

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Medshot: *wtffffffffffff*

*Hoist continues on with his day*

*that afternoon*

Whirl: *talking with Hoist* do you have a crush on W E D G E ???


*time skip*

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*time skip*

*after a rescue*

Wedge: wow Hoist. I didn't know you were that heavy.

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