Ask #50

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BumbleCrumble asks:
What does Medix think about all this? (Referring to Ask #49)

*continuing on from Ask #49*

Medix: *walking back to the lounge, door opening as she speaks* think about what?

Hotshot: *immediately hides the tiny black box back in his subspace*

Whirl, without thinking: about Hotshot pro-

Hoist: *immediately slaps his servo over her mouth* -tecting you from, uh.... other mechs! *exchanges an unsure look with Hotshot*

Medix: *snorts softly* why would Hotshot need to protect me from other mechs?

Hotshot: because.... umm, because majority of mechs are straight! And since you're now a femme who has the same beauty as when you were a mech, uh... they'll be more attracted to you! I mean, a gorgeous carrier class such as yourself combined with your transition to a femme definitely equals optic-candy for unruly mechs.

Hotshot: *NAILED IT*

Medix: *processes that for a second* hm... alright. If it helps you recharge at night, I'd be fine with you "protecting" me from unruly mechs.

Hotshot: *smiles* thanks babe.

Medix: *realizes that she forgot to grab the ice packs and instead has bandages in her servos* oh dear... I forgot to grab the ice packs... I'll be right back! *runs back out*

Hotshot: *calling out to her* take as much time as you need to baby!

Also Hotshot: *collapses into the couch and buries his faceplates in a pillow as soon as the door closes, groaning loudly*

Wedge: *finally isn't stunned anymore* you can't be serious.

Hotshot: I'm dead serious.

Whirl: let's see it!!

Hotshot: *sighs as he takes out the tiny black box and opens it up to reveal a silver ring with a 2 carat diamond on it*

Whirl: *pretending to examine the ring but is really admiring it* simple, small, totally Medix- it's perfect!!

Hotshot: *smiling as he shuts the box closed and puts it away* Medix is worth all the diamonds in the universe to me. But I knew she didn't like being spoiled... so I went for something simple, but I wanted it to look like I actually cared for her and wanted to get her something special...

Wedge: *dry* hence the diamond.

Hotshot: exactly.

Hoist: okay real talk. How long have you had that for?

Hotshot: ever since that dare when I had to kiss her for 24 hours straight. (See Dare #70!)


Hotshot: hey I'm waiting for the perfect moment to pop the question.

Wedge: you better not. You're both still teenagers!! Why couldn't you just get her a promise ring??

Hotshot: I did...?

Wedge and Whirst: YOU WHAT-

Hotshot: look at her left servo when she comes back.

Medix: *perfect timing as she walks in the room with several ice packs, her left servo completely exposed showing a silver ring with a cursive "h" on the middle digit*

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