Dare #62

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Night_writter dares:
I dare Whirl to glomp ("to pounce on and hug" ) Hoist at random times of the day.

Whirl: *hiding around a corner, ready for action*

Hoist: *walking and talking with Medix as he is about to turn the corner*


Hoist, the minute Whirl tacklehugs him from behind:

Medix: *just stands there as he watches Hoist freeze in place as Whirl clings to his back* well hello there Whirl. Shall I leave you two be?

Whirl: nope! You're good! Btw you're still killing it with those eyelashes! Has everyone noticed them yet??

Medix: yep. Except for Hotshot.

Whirl: *facepalms but then falls off of Hoist because of it*

Hoist: *also falls to the floor in shock*

*later that morning*

Wedge: *talking with Hoist* you saw the new eye weaves on Medix, right?

Hoist: eyelashes Wedge.

Wedge: same thing.

Hoist: *looks at the time* oops! I'm late for my class. Catch you later buddy! *walks away*

Wedge: *takes a double take when he sees Whirl zip past him* w-

Whirl: *glomps Hoist from behind* HI SWEETIEPIE!!!

Hoist: *SHRIEKS*

*all throughout the afternoon*

Whirl: *bursts out from a hiding spot in a simulation and glomps/tacklekisses a Hoist*

Whirl: *falls from the ceiling nearly giving Blades a spark attack and glomping Hoist from above* SWEETIE!!!!

Whirl: *jumps out from a closet Hoist opened and glomps him* I GOT YOU!!!!❤❤❤

Hoist: *finally avoids her when he enters his last class of the day and she attempts to glomp him again*

*that evening*

Hoist: *visiting Hotshot in the medbay* all day.

Hotshot: *as Medix changes his bandages* dang. Are you hurt?

Hoist: nah. Just... aware *now being playful* by the way Medix I'm loving the new look!

Medix: *batting his gorgeous eyelashes* thank you Hoist! I'm loving it too!

Hotshot: *frustrated* what is it that I'm missing?!?!? Honey what did you do????

Hoist: *snorts* bro just look at his optics.

Hotshot: I have! There's nothing different!! I still get lost in those beautiful optics every time I look!!!

Medix&Hoist: *exchange a look*

Whirl: *suddenly busts through the door*

Hoist: *immediately hides behind Medix* DON'T GLOMP ME!!

Whirl: I'm not going to. I'm just here to apologize sweetie...

Hoist: *approaches her* apologize?

Whirl: *lovingly holds his servos* for what all happened today. I'm sorry I scared you. It was all part of a dare. Plus, it was also a way to show you how much I love you. But... I guess I should've used another method...

Hoist: *kisses her sweetly and smiles at her* well then that changes everything. You don't have to apologize for that baby.

Whirl: so if I were to glomp you right now-

Hoist: hold on!!! *prepares himself* go for it!!!

Whirl: *glomps him right there and laughs with glee as he holds her close and kisses her sweetly*


Hotshot: *not paying attention to the adorableness that is Whirst and keeps concentrating on his mechfriend* oh! I've got it!!! Your optics are less round!

Medix&Whirst: *all look into the camera like they're in The Office*

Whirl: *goes back to hugging Hoist as she giggles at the camera* dare complete!! And Hotshot is still oblivious!


*camera shuts off*

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