Dare #23

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Stardragon2006 dares:
I dare the recruits to have a tickle fight.

Recruits: *all standing far away from each other (yes, even Medix and Hotshot aren't close to each other)*

Wedge: *fully on guard* so... everyone has seen the dare right?

Whirl: *rotors at the ready* yep...

Wedge: and we can all agree that the dare should not happen, right?

Medix: *hiding something behind his back* undoubtedly...

Wedge: so we're all cool, right?

Hotshot: *blasters out but not aimed at anyone* totally.

Wedge: so... let's all just sit back down and relax...

Hoist: *winch whips out* good idea...

*nobody moves*

Whirl: how about we put our tools away... and then approach each other slowly...

Medix: that seems... logical...

*everyone puts their tools away and then just keep standing in their areas*

Hotshot: so... since we're not doing the dare... we can just go back to doing our normal stuff?

Medix: or even study for the upcoming test for Professor Heatwave's class.

Hoist: good idea Medix...

*the recruits slowly, but surely, make their way to the circular couch, sitting roughly 2-3 feet away from each other*

Wedge: *drops his phone onto the floor and looks at everyone with pure horror*

Medix: Wedge? Aren't you going to pick up your phone...?

Wedge: *voice crack* y..eah. I'll just- *slowly reaches down to get it*

Hotshot: *slowly scoots closer to Wedge, grinning internally as everyone else seems to be thinking what he's thinking*

Wedge: *instinctively shoots back up, phone in servo, getting real nervous as he realizes that they're all much closer to each other* w-what's going o-on...?

Whirl: oh... uh... we thought it was better to... uh... be closer together so we can... umm... study better!

Wedge: o-oh! That's a g-great idea!

*no one says a word*

*everything is really quiet*

*no one dares to move or speak*

Recruits: . . . .

Recruits: *FUCK IT*

*they all pile onto each other and commence an intense tickle fight*

*lots of shrieking and laughter follow immediately afterward*

*they're having the time of their life*

*until one of them accidentally took it too far*

Whirl: *was trying to tickle Medix but then gets her servo between his wheels






Medix: *lets out a startled shriek*


*not even 5 seconds later*

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*not even 5 seconds later*

Whirl: *running for her life, screaming*

Hotshot: *fucking naruto running up in this bitch* GET BACK HERE!!!!!

Whirl: *still running* I'M SORRY!!!!!!

Medix: *big blushy mess as he hides his face into his servos*

Wedge and Hoist: *wince when they hear a loud crash in the distance*

Wedge: Whirl's dead.

Hoist: I'll tell Professor Heatwave to give her an exemption on the test *looks at an overly embarrassed Medix* and one for Medix too.

Wedge, turning to the camera as Hoist leaves: that was a good dare with a bad ending *thumbs up with a cheesy smile* keep them coming guys!

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