Dare #14

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ZenthonEcho dares:
I dare Wedge and Hoist to run into Medix's lab and scream "VIVA LA REVOLUTION" and throw wrenches at him.

Hotshot: *does a goofy-ass salute* it has been an honor serving with both of you.

Wedge: what makes you think we'll actually do it?

Hoist: yeah, wouldn't that hurt him?

Hotshot: trust me. That's the last thing you guys should worry about.

*a few minutes later*

Wedge: *while carrying a duffel bag full of wrenches* I can't believe we're doing this...

Hoist: Hotshot said that Medix can take it...

Wedge: Hotshot says a lot of things.

*they both enter the lab, finding themselves real lucky that Medix is turned away*

Hoist: he shouldn't be able to hear us. He has audiobuds (earbuds) in.

Wedge: so how will he be able to hear us when we say the line?

Hoist: *shrugs* I guess we'll just have to yell.

Wedge: yep we're definitely gonna regret this...

*they both grab a wrench and prepare themselves*

Wedge and Hoist: VIVA LA REVOLUTION *yeets the wrenches at Medix*

Medix: *sits up straight in his chair and catches both wrenches, without looking*



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Medix: *turns around*

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Medix: *turns around*

Medix: *looks at the wrenches*

Medix: *sets the wrenches down*

Medix: *takes out audiobuds*

Medix: *stands up*

Wedge and Hoist: *boutta YEET*



*5 minutes later*

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*5 minutes later*

Wedge and Hoist: *on the floor most likely dead*

Medix: *walking past them with the duffle bag full of wrenches slung over his shoulder* thanks for the wrenches, boys. These will definitely be useful for my needs.

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