Ask #44

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jayfeather2018 asks:
Hoist, what would you do if Whirl was in trouble and when you got to her she was covered in energon and missing an eye?

Hotshot: *camera focuses on him* hang on I've gotta bring the camera over to him. As soon as he read the ask he gasped loudly and ran toward Whirl's room.

Medix: *as he walks with Hotshot* I wouldn't blame him for reacting that way. I mean, I'd be overly worried too if I was asked the same thing about you.

Hotshot: *sneaks in a little kiss as he opens Whirl's berthroom door*

Whirl: *being engulfed in Hoist's strong arms, trying to calm him down* I'm okay sweetie there's no need to cry! It was just a question. Look, my optic isn't missing and I'm not covered in energon. I'm safe and I'll always be near you no matter what. Now dry your tears and look toward the camera. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere.

Hoist: *as Whirl wipes away his tears and snuggles into him sweetly* o-okay... *looks into the camera* I'd probably be as big of a mess as I am now... obviously after I take care of whoever did it to her.

Hotshot: would you actually kill whoever would do that to her?

Hoist: *deeper voice* without hesitation.

*it goes VERY quiet*

Whirl: *breaks the silence* would you really kill someone for me?

Hoist: yes I would! Especially if they almost killed you by taking out your optic and leaving you there to bleed out!

Medix: he's got a point there Whirl. I would most definitely do the same if someone hurt my Hotshot like that.

Wedge: *just casually passing by* you're also the nephew of the God of Wrenches (SPOILER!!!), that doesn't surprise us.

Hotshot: *to Medix* put the wrench down babe, you can get him later.

Medix: *bitchface as he puts it away*

Hotshot: *back to Hoist* let's finish off the Ask.

Hoist: yeah. If I ever get around to finding whoever did this and taking them down... then my full attention would be on Whirl. I'd do everything to help her. But I think she's related to someone with one optic too-

Whirl: *mini freak out* -AND I'm sure Hoist would be there for me until I fully recover! Right, sweetie?

Hoist: oh I'll always be there for you no matter what. Every life event, every let down... every single moment for the rest of our lives.

Whirl: *kiSSES!!!!!!*

Hotshot: *almost drops the camera from how fast that just happened*

Medix: *dead on the floor because THAT'S HIS OTP*

Hotshot: soo..... I'll see myself out. HEY WEDGE! CATCH!

Wedge: *was passing by* NO DON'T I'M HOLDING COFFEE-

Wedge: *drops coffee to catch camera*

Hotshot: *giggling like an idiot as he picks up his wife bridal style from off the floor and then heads out to let Whirst do their thing*

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