Dare #61

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Pandora_Streaker dares:
I dare Medix to ignore EVERYONE for two days and see what happens.

Medix: oh this won't end well...

*that morning in the lab*

Medix: *fixing his stilettos since one of them broke the other day*

Whirl: *walks in and sees her bff* oh! Hey Medix! Do you want some help with your stilettos?

Medix: *remember the dare remember the dare remember the dare remember the d-*

Medix: *ignores her but then starts cursing when the stiletto broke off*

Whirl: *slowly exiting out* I'll uh.... come back later *zips out*

*that afternoon*

Medix: *super pissed as he walks the halls, his pedes no longer stilettos*

Medix: *accidentally slams into Hotshot who just came out of a perpendicular hallway while talking to Hoist*

Hotshot: *steadies his little mechfriend* whoa! Easy there babe!

Medix: *fffffffffffffff-*

Hotshot: *notices the height difference* babe?? Is it just me or have you shrunk???

Hoist: *soft snort* orr maybe you've grown, Hotshot.

Hotshot: hmm *looks down at his mechfriend's pedes* oh no your stilettos! What happened to them???

Medix: *missION ABORT*

Medix: *pretends to start crying and immediately slips out of his mechfriend's grasp and runs away*

Hotshot: MEDIX!-

Chase: *turns a corner* ah! There you are Hotshot! I have your test score for you!

Hotshot: *still worried about Medix* hey! Yeah uh... just tell me I failed and we can both go back to what we were doing!

Chase: actually *hands Hotshot the results* you passed.

Hotshot: yeah yeah I kn- wait WHAT *looks at the results and almost passes out*

Medix: *hiding around a corner because he couldn't ignore hearing that*

Chase: *as Hoist catches a passed out Hotshot* now where is Medix?

Hotshot: *shoots up and starts running* MEDIX!!!!!

Medix: *that boi g o n e*

*that evening in the medbay*

Medix: *saying some rather colorful words as he struggles to reach something at the top of his medical cabinet*

Wedge: *walks in* need help?

Medix: *easily ignores him*

Wedge: *easily moves the little medic out of the way and grabs the thing he was trying to get* could you get any shorter?

Medix: *turned away from him, pretending to work on something else*

Wedge: oh I get it. You were dared to ignore everyone, weren't you? Hey Hotshot!

Hotshot: *walks in* wassup?

Wedge: *while laughing* get this! Medix has been dared to ignore everyone!

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