Dare #75

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Night_writter dares:
I dare Hoist and Whirl to pretend that they've broken up for an entire week.

Whirst: an entire week?!?!

Whirl: *sighs* well... there goes our plans for this week...

Hoist: *smiles warmly at her* hey we could always reschedule. Those Zoo animals aren't gonna go anywhere.

Whirl: *giggling* next thing we know, we'll have to gather them all up from them breaking out.

Hoist: don't jinx it!!

Whirst: *both burst out laughing as they give each other a sweet kiss and a big hug*

Hoist: *holds her close* it'll only be for a week.

Whirl: it'll go by so fast that we'll barely notice *giggles* poor Medix is gonna have a meltdown from this.

Hoist: and poor Hotshot is gonna have to deal with that.

Whirst: *burst out laughing as they give each other another kiss*

Hoist: alright now I hate you!

Whirl: I hate you too!

Hoist: *trying not to laugh* we're over!

Whirl: *already snickering* good! Get out of my room!

Hoist: *trying not to smile too much* I will! *heads out and slams the door shut*

Whirl: *laughing her aft off*


Recruits: *sitting down for class*

Whirst: *glaring at each other*

Boulder: good morning Recruits-

Whirl: *immediately stands up and raises her servo* Professor Boulder! Could I please trade seats with Hotshot?

Hotshot: *obviously wasn't paying attention as he wakes up from falling into recharge on Medix's shoulder* huh-what??

Boulder: uhhh.... okay?

Whirl: *carries and overly confused and slightly pissed Hotshot to her seat next to Hoist and then sits down in Hotshot's place next to Medix*

Hotshot: *pouts as he slumps in his chair*

Medix: *keeps looking between Whirl and Hoist in worry for the remainder of class*

*after class*

Medix: *pulls Whirl to the side* Whirl? I thought you loved sitting next to Hoist??

Whirl: Hoist and I.... are going through a rough time... sorry I took Hotshot's spot-

Hotshot, in the background: APOLOGY NOT ACCEPTED!

Medix: *rolls her optics and looks at Whirl with a sweet face* that's okay. You looked like you needed to sit with me.

Whirl: I always tell myself to come to you or be with you if something was wrong.

Medix: and I'm always happy to help!

*that afternoon*

Hoist: *passes Whirl in the hallway with a look of disgust* Whirl.

Whirl: *doesn't stop* Hoist.

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