Dare #44

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CrazyLinx68 dares:
Whirl! Dare ya to koala (jump onto someone's back and latch on) every bot at the Academy. Big and small.

Whirl: *already booking it toward Medix*

Medix: *screams loudly as Whirl jumps onto his back and latches on, making him almost lose his balance*

Hotshot, on the other side of the Academy:

Medix, as Whirl is refusing to get off: Whirl! My stilettos can't support this!

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Medix, as Whirl is refusing to get off: Whirl! My stilettos can't support this!

Whirl: that simulation earlier with you lifting up that 3 ton truck on your own says otherwise.

Medix: *as Hotshot suddenly tackles her off of him* and Hotshot likes to think otherwise.

*later as the team is walking the halls*

Whirl: *jumps onto Wedge's back and latches on* WEDGE!!!!

Wedge: *shrieks*

*during Blades' class*

Blades: where's Whirl?

Whirl: *falls from the ceiling and onto his back, latching on while Blades shrieks* hi professor!

Blades: *falls forward, completely passed out*

Medix: UH-

*that afternoon during Heatwave's martial arts class*

Heatwave: always expect the unexpected.

Whirl: *from behind him* like this! *jumps onto his back and latches on as Heatwave freezes*

Heatwave: *doesn't want to re-tell a story of how he yeeted a child off of him so he calmly told Whirl to get the fuck off of him-*

*during their break*

Medshot: *walking the halls peacefully and holding servos as they chat with each other*

Hotshot: -so then I said ASJKFJENKD

Medix: w- *watches Hotshot fall to the ground as Whirl is latched onto him* well hello there Whirl.

Whirl: *as Hotshot chases after her* hi Medix!!!!


Boulder: *watering his garden*

Whirl: *leaps out of a bush and latches onto Boulder's back* hi professor Boulder!!

Boulder: *keeps peacefully watering his plants* hello Whirl. You gonna hang around?

Whirl: yep!!!!

Boulder: that's great! I could use some company.


Recruits: *freeze when they hear lots of laughter from down the hall*

Recruits: *optics shoot wide open when they see that it's Professor Chase running through the halls with Whirl latched onto his back*

Chase: *as he runs past the recruits* good evening Recruits!

Whirl: *laughing more when Chase suddenly turns a corner*

Recruits: . . . . . *aight*

*that night*

Hoist: *tears falling as he sits on a chair in the lab*

Whirl: *bursts in* I sense sadness! Who needs to be unsaddened!?

Hoist: *sniffs* hey Whirl.

Whirl: *softly and sweetly* what's wrong Hoist?

Hoist: my project... I messed up on it. And I worked so hard on it. Now, it's a failure... *throws project away*

Whirl: *immediately grabs it and sets it in front of Hoist* you can't give up because of one mistake! Mistakes always happen! And they can always be fixed! So, don't give up! You'll get it right!

Hoist: *smiles at her* thanks Whirl.

Whirl: you're welcome! Now, would you like me to help you?

Hoist: *chuckles softly* that would be great, thank you. But I'm not feeling up to working on it right now.

Whirl: hmm... I think I can help with that!

Hoist: *laughs as Whirl latches onto his back and hugs him* you're the best, Whirl.

Whirl: *small blush* you are too, Hoist! Now let's get to work on that project!

Hoist: *small blush as she sits next to him* let's do it!

A/N: and then, Whirl and Hoist worked for the rest of the night perfecting the project. Hoist turned it in and got an A+! All thanks to Whirl and her shenanigans. Woo hoo!!!

A/N: btw I ship Whirl and Hoist *front flips out the window*

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