Dare #54

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Alt_girl dares:
I dare the two lovely couples to go on a double date.

Wedge: *running around in pure joy* I get the Academy all to myself for the next few hours!!!!!

Hoist: *politely lets his date walk through the groundbridge first*

Hotshot: *as he politely lets his date walk through the groundbridge before him* yep! Have fun hanging out with your secret boyfriend!

Wes: *coming from the hall* his secret what now?


Hotshot: *too late he's already through*

Wedge: *groans as he walks out with Wes*


Medix: *notices their position near the edge of a cliff* the Drive-in? On Griffin Rock?

Hotshot: yep! Safest place to be at to watch Spiderman Far From Home!

Whirl: really? Shouldn't we save this for when Wedge is with us?

Hoist: yeah I don't think he's seen it ye-

Hotshot: he saw it with Wes last week.

Medix and Whirst: THAT SON OF A-

Hotshot: hey! The movie is starting!

*both couples immediately take their seats*

Medshot: *hold each other close*

Whirst: *s n u g g l e s*

Hotshot: are you two trying to out-cute us?

Whirl: is it working?

Medix: yes! You two are so adorable together!

Whirst: thank you! *watches movie*

Hotshot: *whispers to Medix* do you actually think they're cuter than us?

Medix: yes because unlike us, they still have their innocence. Now get comfortable and watch the movie.

Hotshot: yes ma'am.

Medshot: *watches the movie*

*after the movie*

Hotshot: *walking through the streets with the group, sobbing embarrassingly loud* PETER IS TONY'S SON!!!!!!!!!!!

Medix: *comforting him even though he's super embarrassed* honey there are humans staring. Get it all out now so that we can continue our night.

Hoist: *trying to shield Hotshot from onlookers* what else do we have planned tonight?

Medix and Whirl: Karaoke Night at City Hall.

Hotshot: *suddenly better* really?????? Oh boy I can't wait!!!!!

Whirl: me neither! Race you there!!

Hoist: *as Whirl and Hotshot run off* guys wait!

Medix: let them go, Hoist. We'll walk.

Hoist: *walking with Medix* but I thought Hotshot hated being away from you.

Medix: he did until we had a pretty intense argument the other night. I won the argument and now it means Hotshot won't be so overprotective anymore. He promised to only be protective when it is absolutely necessary.

Ask or Dare- Rescue Bots Academy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora