81 Epilogue

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I want to thank @PriyankaSingh118 and @LaVeteks with my whole heart, for supporting me with this book. Ladies, you're the best and sweetest. And both of you pulled me through when I didn't believe in myself. I'm forever grateful. ♥️

Mature content in this chapter. You are welcome or warned. It's your choice.


I hear Matt groan next to me and smile into my pillow. He gently pulls the blanket over my naked back, hearing small footsteps echo on the hardwood floor.

The bedroom door opens slowly and she whispers, "Daddy?"

He sighs, before whispering back, "Why are you up, sweetie?"

I don't have to turn to know which scene is unfolding right at this moment. She is giving Matt her saddest look, throwing in a pout and hugging her stuffed bunny as her dear life depends on it. And Matt falls for it every single time.

"I can't sleep. There are scary sounds in my room," Nola whines. "Can I sleep with you and mommy?"

I bite the inside of my cheek not to laugh and wonder how he is going to talk his bare butt out of this.

"Bumblebee. You're almost eight. You're a big girl and big girls sleep in their beds." he coaxes.

Her stuffed bunny has to suffer the consequences of her daddy's no. Making a dull tap sound when it lands with the plastic nose onto the floor.

"Nola?" he says, too patiently. "What, if I promise that we will go for ice-cream tomorrow? But, you have to be a big girl and sleep in your bed."

Matt, she got you wrapped around her short finger.

It's silent for a moment until I hear her whisper. "Can you tuck me in, daddy?"

"Sure, bumblebee. Go back to your room and daddy will be there in a second," he answers.

Oh, you're so weak, Matt.

The sound of her footsteps faints and Matt leaves a small peck on my bare shoulder, before climbing out of bed and following Nola.

"She knows she will get whatever she wants from you, with her sad eyes and pout," I say when Matt climbs back into bed.

"And, who's a fault is that." He answers placing his body behind me.

I smile to myself and turn to face him. I display the same sad eyes and whine, "That's mean." finishing it with a big pout.

Laughter rumbles up his throat. "You're worse than our daughter! You know that?"

"I know, she learned from the best," I answer, smirking.

"And," he declares, arching his eyebrows, "If it was Micah, coming into the bedroom, you would have done the same thing and give in."

Micah, my sweet boy. He was the surprise of our honeymoon. Seven months later, he came into our lives and I melted when he opened his bright blue eyes. I knew Matt was right about one thing. There are daddy's girls and mommy's boys and he's a mommy's boy.

I huddle against him, lay my head on his chest, and admit, "You're right, I would have."

I'm drawing figures with my index finger on his chest when he asks, "Nova?" and his heart suddenly begins to beat a wild rhythm.

I lean upon my elbow and ask worried, "What's wrong?"

He gives me an embarrassing smile, making me wonder which filthy thoughts are running through his mind. In those ten years that we are together, there is not much left to try. I kiss his chest and say, "Tell me, Matt. What is it that you want to do?"

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