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What the heck!

I try to catch my breath and push back the tears building up behind my eyes. It burns, so bad! My shirt is drenched and I'm peeling it off my chest to stop the hot contact.

I hear Reaven curse on the other side of the office plan. "That fucking bitch got what she deserved! I will snap her neck if she comes near him! Don't touch me."

She flips me the finger, the one second I'm able to open my eyes filled with tears and a foggy view, before being shoved into the elevator by security.

What did I do to her?

People rummage around me and no one offers me help. My eyes hurt and opening them is difficult. I feel helpless standing in the middle of the office plan, my shirt soaked and the skin on my face and chest is burning.

"Get away from her!" Dallas his voice booms through the open space, filling me with relief. "Move!" I hear him yell before his hands touch my arms.

"Angel, I'm sorry. Are you hurt, do you need an ambulance." He sounds desperate and I don't understand why he is sorry. The pain distracts me from asking him.

"My eyes, Dallas." I choke.

I hear him say Fuck in a panicked voice. He holds me by my hands and leads me away.

I jump when he yells. "Get me a bucket with cold water and clothes."

I can't see where I'm going and rely on him. I hear a door open and close behind me. I feel a chair behind my knees and Dallas tells me to sit down with his help.

"You need to take off the shirt angel. We have to cool your skin." I'm only able to nod and Dallas gently pulls it over my head, avoiding the fabric to touch my skin.

The door opens and Dallas growls. "Don't stand there staring!" A male voice mutters, sorry, sorry. I hiss through my teeth when a drenched cloth is pressed against my chest, feeling the cold water dripping down my breast.

"Dallas," I whisper. "Are we alone?" Feeling awkwardly naked, sitting in my bra and skirt.

He doesn't answer and removes the cloth. I hear movement but can't make out what is happening until I feel a warm fabric smelling of Dallas wrap around my back.

"Angel, I'm gonna dab your eyes and face." The cold water drips down when he gently dabs the cloth and I hiss again. He keeps dabbing until I hear the door open and paramedics take over, ordering Dallas to step aside. Thank God, I hear two women.

They check my skin and don't think there will be any damage after it heals from the blisters. The last thing is my eyes. I'm scared, what if I'm blind. I crack them open and at first, my vision is blurry.

I see her shine a light into both and one of the paramedics tells me to lean my head to the side pouring water through them. Finally, the blur disappears as she pours the Matcha Green Tea out my eyes.

I can see the two female paramedics about my age and my eyes search immediately for Dallas. He is standing in the corner, worry spread over his face and shirtless.

If I weren't in pain I would have laughed, knowing the two paramedics must have had a confused look on their faces walking in here. I in my bra and him shirtless.

She dabs my face dry and tells me to look up dripping a fluid in them, making them sting again. After an unbearable minute, she finally says. "Both of your corneas are intact. There will be no damage to your vision."

My skin feels tight, but the burn in my eyes is mostly gone after they leave. I have to pick up an ointment and take painkillers. I take it for granted knowing that there's nothing wrong with my eyes.

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