20 Awake Nightmare

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I stretch out, reaching for Nova to find nothing but empty sheets. The sun hasn't come up yet and I wonder what the time is. I turn to grab my phone and tap on the screen, groaning, "Jeez, only four o'clock."

I lean on my elbows to search for her and see a light shining from under the bathroom door.
Expecting her to return soon I let myself fall back into the pillow and drift back into sleep when my eyelids become heavy again.

I'm chasing Nova in a green field filled with sunflowers. Her contagious laughter spreading through the sweet-smelling air when I catch her waist and spin her around to let my lips find hers. She pushes me against the chest and the next moment I lay in bed with Nova on top, making love to me.

I noticed I'm unable to move my hands when I want to touch her. Angling my head to see why I discover that they are strapped to the frame of the bed.

A heartbreaking cry makes my head snap towards the right. The face is blurry but the shape of the body tells me it's a woman sitting in a chair. A shadow behind her holds her head and forces her to look at us. Her hands and ankles are tied up with rope and she struggles wildly to free herself.

Suddenly, the weight and movements on me feel differently. I keep staring at the woman in the chair, though, trying to figure out who it is and muttering to Nova that she needs to stop. How can she not notice the woman crying and fighting for her freedom beside us?

Nova kisses my chest to demand my attention back. I shift my gaze to tell her again to stop, but my breath gets stuck in my throat when I see the woman on top of me.

"Alita!" I struggle to get her off me, but without my hands I'm helpless. My panic and erratic movements only seem to pleasure Alita more, continuing to ride me, while throwing her head back with a loud moan.

Uncontrollable sobs turn my whole body rigid, snapping my head back to the woman in the chair. The shadow is still holding her head, but the face isn't a blur anymore. Gut-wrenching cries are taking over the sobs when my eyes lock with Nova.

My heart rips apart seeing her devastated face. I pull as hard as possible on the straps, but they don't give in. I hear myself scream my lungs out while the devilish laughter from Alita hurts my eardrums when the shadow tilts the chair backward and pulls her out of my sight into the darkness before my body falls into nothingness.

My body jerks hard, waking me up. The sheets cling to my body and sweat is dripping down my temples. I rub my face and swear into the palms of my hands.

You are an ass, Matt!

The guilt is eating me away, only because I didn't have the balls to tell her. Hoping I didn't wake her, I turn and realize Nova is not in bed. What is she doing in that bathroom? Mustn't have been a long dream if she is still in there. I wait for a couple of minutes and she doesn't come back, neither do I hear movement.

I check the time again and shoot straight up. It's half-past six!

Slowly turning the knob, I push the door open and stand still to gaze at the beauty in front of me. She has fallen asleep in the bathtub, her chin dipping in the water. I quietly make my way to the tub and sit on the edge, contemplating how she blows little wrinkles on the surface.

Suddenly I feel heavy-hearted. How can people cheat on each other and don't feel guilty about it? This was just a dream and I loathe myself for what I did in it.

She flutters her eyes open when I stroke her cheek, murmuring, "Mmm."

"What are you doing in the bathtub in the middle of the night?" I ask wondering what made her leave the warm and comfortable bed.

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