27 Thats My Man!

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"So what do you think?"Hannah asks, seductively wiggling her eyebrows, "Is he hot or is he hot."

We just watched the first movie of the Fifty shades trilogy and it isn't my cup of tea. It's all too good to be true. But hey, we still have two more movies to see if Mister Grey can change my mind.

I shrug and grab my glass from the side table, "I still don't get the fuss."

"Jeez, Nova!" she mutters dramatically, nudging me in the side with her pointer finger. "You haven't got feelings between your legs, do you?"

I burst out laughing, choking on the water I try to swallow. "Yes, I do! He just doesn't do it for me."

"I think Matt and Christian look a lot alike," she says staring dreamily into the distance. "They have the same blue eyes, a cheeky grin, and those abs. God, those abs!"

I look bewildered at my bestie. "How do you know how Matt's abs look like!"

"Uh..." her cheeks flush a deep red and she doesn't dare to look me in the eye when she admits. "Jaimy and I might have watched Dangerous nights last Thursday."

"You eyed my boyfriend on the big screen!" I scrutinize her, hurling a cushion towards her bumping against her forehead.

She laughs out loud. "In my defense. Every woman eyed your boyfriend, Nova." slapping me with the same cushion.

Well, now my woman parts turned into a desert. That's my man, that's for my eyes!

I have to go to the cinema if I want to see him! How sad and ridiculous is that? I can't look at my boyfriend without two hundred other women drooling over him.

I try to shake the thought away and also the heavy feeling on my heart. It's girls' day and I owe Hannah a nice day after my grumpy behavior this past week.

"Well, I guess I have to live with it," I say, giving her a half-smile, half pout. "Didn't Jaimy mind the fact that you were drooling over my boyfriend, though?"

I know I wouldn't like it if my other half would be drooling over another woman while I'm right beside him.

"No, he was too busy drooling over that redhead himself." she snickers, waving it away with her hand. "I'll admit that I was offended at first. But then I thought to myself. Hey, he isn't watching me, I can eye, Matt!"

My hearing shut off after the word redhead.

It's final, I hate the color red! Tomorrow I'm gonna burn everything in my closet that's red.

My lack of reaction to Hannah's commend makes her frown." Are you okay? I was prepared for a new cushion in the face, but you zoned out."

"Yeah, sorry. Just thinking about something." I answer, shaking my head to clean the thought of Alita disturbing my mind.

I plaster a huge fake smile on my face and ask, "Are we gonna watch the second movie, or do you wanna talk about the heavenly abs on my man?" hopeful to divert the attention so I won't be forced to respond to questions I don't want to answer.

I know I didn't fool Hannah when she crooks her perfectly shaped eyebrow at me and curse inwardly when she says, "I was thinking you could tell me about New York."

She moves her body to be able to face me, sitting cross-legged on the sofa." Tell me! Was it amazing, like what you see on tv?" she asks with excitement. "How did Matt react when he saw you in that gorgeous red dress."

I cringe at the word red.

I forgot about that dress. Burn, mother focker, burn. Or maybe I can sell it. That way I can put some money back into my bank account for my motorcycle. Guess what color it isn't going to be?

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