Hot Blankets and Tea

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Mature content in this chapter. You're welcome or warned. It's your choice.


It felt like someone tore away the ground under my feet when my father told me Dean is moving to LA. How dare he! Das he know I live there, or is it a coincidence? Of course, it's not a coincidence! Who am I kidding?

My father's resources don't have answers to the questions I have. The only sure thing is that he is moving into his apartment next week. Thank God, far away from me and Hannah.

The judge sees no reason, because of his good behavior and the fact that he didn't try to contact me even once, to extend the restraining order against him.

I freaking can't believe it.

I cried the rest of the night and woke up after a short nap as a nervous wreck. Matt tried to comfort me, telling me it is just a coincidence and that everything will be fine.

He said that if I don't feel safe I always can live with him. I don't want to live with him because I'm afraid Dean will go after Matt. He has no idea how Dean looks and what he is capable of. I saw him punch my father in the temple, knocking him straight out. And my father isn't a small man. I'm afraid of what Dean could do to Matt in his anger. I wouldn't be surprised if he would kill him and I never would forgive myself if that happened.

Why can't I have a normal life? Just for once, please.

On the plane back to LA I said to myself that I can't live my life being afraid of Dean. I had sessions with my psychologist about how to keep myself calm if I would ever have to face him. I took self-defense classes, which weren't a success when I needed them in the gym. Let's hope my mind and body don't disconnect when it's Dean wrapping his hands around me.

I tell myself that I'm strong, in better shape and my mind is less clouded. I'm going to live my life the way I want and try to forget the fact that the devil lives in the same city as I. Come on, what are the chances you bump into each other, right?

Yeah, because he isn't moving to L.A. to come after you.

My father keeps his tracks on him. Only, he lives two thousand miles away and I don't believe his men can follow Dean twenty-four-seven. Guess I just have to wait and hope I'm not a sitting duck.


"Babe, what do you want to eat?" Matt yells from the kitchen.

He insisted that I would spend the last night of our vacation at his. I'm gonna miss waking up next to him. The soft noises he makes when he sleeps and how he wraps his arm's a little tighter around me when he is dreaming.

I look at my stomach. It's bloated from all the delicious, but bad food we had these two weeks. "Can you make something healthy? I look freaking four months pregnant." I cringe at my own words.

Matt pops his head around the corner. "Wouldn't that be a surprise?

"It's not possible Matt, just saying." Looking away from his happy smile.

Out of nowhere his lips brush against the skin of my neck "Don't worry about it. I will make an appointment first thing in the morning and we're not in a rush. We're going to wait until we both are ready for it."

"You mean when I'm ready for it." Correcting him. I know he wants them and rather today than tomorrow.

His lips trail from my neck to my cheek, leaving warm pecks. "I can wait, sweetie, don't feel rushed."

The warmth of his lips disappears and I hear him rummage through a drawer. "This is the last day of our vacation. Tomorrow, it's back to strict training and clean eating." He hands me several take-out menus and says. "I want a big fat pizza with extra cheese, coke, and ice-cream and you are gonna join me in my eating party."

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