10 Good memories

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Mature content in this chapter. You are welcome or warned. It's your choice.


I was standing in the kitchen, talking to my older brother Liam when the doorbell rang. It's past two a.m making me wonder who it could be.

His wife Rose asks if she should open it, being in the living room and therefore closer to the front door. I tell her to look through the peephole before opening it, you never know.

We listen closely as she unlocks the door and anticipated hearing voices. Weirdly enough, it remains silent. My brother and I wait for another second, looking questioningly at each other. Not trusting it, we both rush finding only Rose standing in the doorway.

"No one there?" I ask, looking past her.

"No, there was a woman. It was quite weird. She stared at me and left without saying a single word."

Could it be? "What did she look like?"

Rose thinks for a small moment and answers," I'm sure it was the woman you were talking to at the club. Brown hair, green eyes, wearing jean shorts."

Shit, Nova!

Without thinking I run barefoot outside. Rose calls after me that she saw her turn right. I go around the corner and see her standing, leaning with her hands on her thighs.

I'm certain she didn't hear me approach her when she almost jumps out of her skin tugging her up by her arm.

My first mistake.

I knew she is sassy but I'm nonetheless surprised when I need to catch the fist that is speeding towards my face to avoid getting punched straight on the nose.

"Nova, calm down. It's me"

Letting her know who she is dealing with is my second mistake.

Her eyes turn into slits, trying to burn me into a pile of ash. She attempts to yank her arm out of my tight grip, without getting anywhere.

Realizing her efforts are ineffective she starts screaming at full force. "Let go off my arm! Do you think that I'm stupid? That I wouldn't notice... just... just leave me alone! Please."

What the heck she is talking about? "Nova..."

"No!" she sobs, slamming her free fist against my chest. "Shut up! I don't want to hear your lies."

I stare at her tear-streaked face, seriously not understanding where this is coming from. What happened to her between Vixens and my house for her to be this upset?

Her psychical strength is slowly dissipating with each attempt to release herself from my grip. Unfortunately, the power behind her vocal accords is not. She is still screaming bloody murder and I need her to calm down before she wakes up the whole neighborhood.

I pull her arm hard, propelling her into my chest, and wrap my arms around her, hissing, "Nova! Stop fighting me and stop screaming like I'm fucking trying to abduct you!"

She pushes me with all her might against my chest, murmuring to let her go.

"Nova, stop it. Please!" I beg. "Tell me why I'm lying because I've no idea what you mean and I'm honestly losing my patience with you."

Her forehead slumps against my chest in defeat and her voice is tired when she speaks. "You said you wanted me to be yours. You lied to me, bringing another woman into your house two hours after saying that to me."

That's it? That's the reason she is causing this scene in front of my whole neighborhood? Probably also Liam and Rose. For fucks sake! "Nova, look at me!" I growl.

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