28 We need to trust.

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Where the heck did Matt appear from?

How the hell did he even find us?

Those are the questions running through my mind right now.

I'm confused to say at least to why he is here and not certain what to do. The one thing that I'm sure of is that the scene in front of me makes me sick to the stomach.

I don't like fights. Not at all.

Matt has his fist wrapped in a tight grip on the front of Dallas's shirt and if Dallas weren't the size he is, he would be dangling with his feet in the air right now.

Yet he looks unfazed, shifting his gaze to me and mouths, "You ok?"

"Don't look at her! Look. At. Me." Matt growls with fury written over his face.

The muscles on his back are strained, rolling under the fabric of his dress shirt when someone yells -just punch him, man- bringing the scene he is causing to my attention.

And for what?

His grip tightens, leaning in so close that their eyelashes must be skimming, declaring openly, "I want you to stay as far away as possible from her! Do you understand me?"

Any sane person would feel intimidated by the two-hundred-pound men, one heartbeat away from head butting your teeth into your throat.

Not Dallas. He gives him a challenging grin and asks, "Or what?"

A string of curses falls from my mouth. I admire him to death, but now is not the time to be cocky! This is escalating quicker than an accidental fart escaping with an unexpected sneeze.

I push myself through the small crowd separating me from the two hotheads and notice
Jaimy doing the same with Hannah on his tail, hopefully with a similar intention as I.

Putting this nonsense to an end right now.

Matt doesn't even notice how I wrap both of my hands around his bicep, pulling the arm that is holding onto Dallas's shirt, begging for him to let go of my friend.

His grip tightens even more and a slight feeling of panic seeps into my veins, anxious that Matt is in such a state of mind that he will do something he will regret. Something that will harm his career and our relationship beyond repair.

Jaimy reaches us and clutches Dallas by his upper arms, jerking him backward and out of Matts's face. A very smart thing to do from my point of view.

Only Dallas his grin gets wider, sensing that he may have the upper hand in this fight even if it's scarcely a mental one.

I can't deal with this anymore, this is absurd and needless to say, childish. He needs to focus on me and me only.

My heart hammers against my rib cage moving my hands from his bicep to his face, his jaw clenching so tightly that I can feel the muscles move under my fingertips.

"Matthew, look at me! Please look at me and stop this nonsense." I desperately beg, rubbing his jaw and after what seems an eternity he finally does.

I gulp and need to take a deep drag of air not recognizing this man with eyes colder and darker than the deepest point of the ocean.

My lower lip quivers, again begging to release his death grip on Dallas's shirt.

His eyes make quick contact with mine before finally loosening his grip. A sense of relief washes over me, yet it seems that once again I'm too gullible getting roughly pushed aside when he lunches forward to give Dallas a hard thrust against the chest, propelling him backward into Jaimy and forcing a cry out of me.

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